Backup Gateway client library built on EIO.
val service : Smaws_Lib.Service.descriptor
type vmware_to_aws_tag_mapping = {
aws_tag_value : string;
The value part of the Amazon Web Services tag's key-value pair.
*)aws_tag_key : string;
The key part of the Amazon Web Services tag's key-value pair.
*)vmware_tag_name : string;
This is the user-defined name of a VMware tag.
*)vmware_category : string;
The is the category of VMware.
This displays the mapping of on-premises VMware tags to the corresponding Amazon Web Services tags.
type vmware_tag = {
vmware_tag_description : string option;
This is a user-defined description of a VMware tag.
*)vmware_tag_name : string option;
This is the user-defined name of a VMware tag.
*)vmware_category : string option;
The is the category of VMware.
A VMware tag is a tag attached to a specific virtual machine. A tag is a key-value pair you can use to manage, filter, and search for your resources.
The content of VMware tags can be matched to Amazon Web Services tags.
type virtual_machine = {
last_backup_date : float option;
The most recent date a virtual machine was backed up, in Unix format and UTC time.
*)resource_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the virtual machine. For example, arn:aws:backup-gateway:us-west-1:0000000000000:vm/vm-0000ABCDEFGIJKL
path : string option;
The path of the virtual machine.
*)name : string option;
The name of the virtual machine.
*)hypervisor_id : string option;
The ID of the virtual machine's hypervisor.
*)host_name : string option;
The host name of the virtual machine.
A virtual machine that is on a hypervisor.
type virtual_machine_details = {
last_backup_date : float option;
The most recent date a virtual machine was backed up, in Unix format and UTC time.
*)resource_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the virtual machine. For example, arn:aws:backup-gateway:us-west-1:0000000000000:vm/vm-0000ABCDEFGIJKL
path : string option;
The path of the virtual machine.
*)name : string option;
The name of the virtual machine.
*)hypervisor_id : string option;
The ID of the virtual machine's hypervisor.
*)host_name : string option;
The host name of the virtual machine.
Your VirtualMachine
objects, ordered by their Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).
type validation_exception = {
message : string option;
error_code : string option;
A description of what caused the validation error.
The operation did not succeed because a validation error occurred.
type update_hypervisor_input = {
log_group_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the group of gateways within the requested log.
*)name : string option;
The updated name for the hypervisor
*)password : string option;
The updated password for the hypervisor.
*)username : string option;
The updated username for the hypervisor.
*)host : string option;
The updated host of the hypervisor. This can be either an IP address or a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).
*)hypervisor_arn : string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hypervisor to update.
type resource_not_found_exception = {
message : string option;
error_code : string option;
A description of which resource wasn't found.
A resource that is required for the action wasn't found.
type conflict_exception = {
message : string option;
error_code : string;
A description of why the operation is not supported.
The operation cannot proceed because it is not supported.
type access_denied_exception = {
message : string option;
error_code : string;
A description of why you have insufficient permissions.
The operation cannot proceed because you have insufficient permissions.
type throttling_exception = {
message : string option;
error_code : string;
Error: TPS has been limited to protect against intentional or unintentional high request volumes.
TPS has been limited to protect against intentional or unintentional high request volumes.
type test_hypervisor_configuration_input = {
password : string option;
The password for the hypervisor.
*)username : string option;
The username for the hypervisor.
*)host : string;
The server host of the hypervisor. This can be either an IP address or a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).
*)gateway_arn : string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway to the hypervisor to test.
type tag = {
value : string;
The value part of a tag's key-value pair.
*)key : string;
The key part of a tag's key-value pair. The key can't start with aws:
A key-value pair you can use to manage, filter, and search for your resources. Allowed characters include UTF-8 letters, numbers, spaces, and the following characters: + - = . _ : /.
type put_maintenance_start_time_input = {
day_of_month : int option;
The day of the month start maintenance on a gateway.
Valid values range from Sunday
to Saturday
day_of_week : int option;
The day of the week to start maintenance on a gateway.
*)minute_of_hour : int;
The minute of the hour to start maintenance on a gateway.
*)hour_of_day : int;
The hour of the day to start maintenance on a gateway.
*)gateway_arn : string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the gateway, used to specify its maintenance start time.
type put_hypervisor_property_mappings_input = {
iam_role_arn : string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.
*)vmware_to_aws_tag_mappings : vmware_to_aws_tag_mapping list;
This action requests the mappings of on-premises VMware tags to the Amazon Web Services tags.
*)hypervisor_arn : string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hypervisor.
type put_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_output = {
gateway_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways
operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.
type bandwidth_rate_limit_interval = {
days_of_week : int list;
The days of the week component of the bandwidth rate limit interval, represented as ordinal numbers from 0 to 6, where 0 represents Sunday and 6 represents Saturday.
*)end_minute_of_hour : int;
The minute of the hour to end the bandwidth rate limit interval.
The bandwidth rate limit interval ends at the end of the minute. To end an interval at the end of an hour, use the value 59
start_minute_of_hour : int;
The minute of the hour to start the bandwidth rate limit interval. The interval begins at the start of that minute. To begin an interval exactly at the start of the hour, use the value 0
end_hour_of_day : int;
The hour of the day to end the bandwidth rate limit interval.
*)start_hour_of_day : int;
The hour of the day to start the bandwidth rate limit interval.
*)average_upload_rate_limit_in_bits_per_sec : int option;
The average upload rate limit component of the bandwidth rate limit interval, in bits per second. This field does not appear in the response if the upload rate limit is not set.
For Backup Gateway, the minimum value is (Value)
Describes a bandwidth rate limit interval for a gateway. A bandwidth rate limit schedule consists of one or more bandwidth rate limit intervals. A bandwidth rate limit interval defines a period of time on one or more days of the week, during which bandwidth rate limits are specified for uploading, downloading, or both.
type put_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_input = {
bandwidth_rate_limit_intervals : bandwidth_rate_limit_interval list;
An array containing bandwidth rate limit schedule intervals for a gateway. When no bandwidth rate limit intervals have been scheduled, the array is empty.
*)gateway_arn : string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways
operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.
type maintenance_start_time = {
minute_of_hour : int;
The minute component of the maintenance start time represented as mm, where mm is the minute (0 to 59). The minute of the hour is in the time zone of the gateway.
*)hour_of_day : int;
The hour component of the maintenance start time represented as hh, where hh is the hour (0 to 23). The hour of the day is in the time zone of the gateway.
*)day_of_week : int option;
An ordinal number between 0 and 6 that represents the day of the week, where 0 represents Sunday and 6 represents Saturday. The day of week is in the time zone of the gateway.
*)day_of_month : int option;
The day of the month component of the maintenance start time represented as an ordinal number from 1 to 28, where 1 represents the first day of the month and 28 represents the last day of the month.
This is your gateway's weekly maintenance start time including the day and time of the week. Note that values are in terms of the gateway's time zone. Can be weekly or monthly.
type list_virtual_machines_output = {
next_token : string option;
The next item following a partial list of returned resources. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults
number of resources, NextToken
allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
virtual_machines : virtual_machine list option;
A list of your VirtualMachine
objects, ordered by their Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).
type list_virtual_machines_input = {
next_token : string option;
The next item following a partial list of returned resources. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults
number of resources, NextToken
allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
max_results : int option;
The maximum number of virtual machines to list.
*)hypervisor_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hypervisor connected to your virtual machine.
type hypervisor = {
state : hypervisor_state option;
The state of the hypervisor.
*)name : string option;
The name of the hypervisor.
*)kms_key_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Key Management Service used to encrypt the hypervisor.
*)hypervisor_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hypervisor.
*)host : string option;
The server host of the hypervisor. This can be either an IP address or a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).
Represents the hypervisor's permissions to which the gateway will connect.
A hypervisor is hardware, software, or firmware that creates and manages virtual machines, and allocates resources to them.
type list_hypervisors_output = {
next_token : string option;
The next item following a partial list of returned resources. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults
number of resources, NextToken
allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
hypervisors : hypervisor list option;
A list of your Hypervisor
objects, ordered by their Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).
type list_hypervisors_input = {
next_token : string option;
The next item following a partial list of returned resources. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults
number of resources, NextToken
allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
max_results : int option;
The maximum number of hypervisors to list.
type gateway = {
last_seen_time : float option;
The last time Backup gateway communicated with the gateway, in Unix format and UTC time.
*)hypervisor_id : string option;
The hypervisor ID of the gateway.
*)gateway_type : gateway_type option;
The type of the gateway.
*)gateway_display_name : string option;
The display name of the gateway.
*)gateway_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways
operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.
A gateway is an Backup Gateway appliance that runs on the customer's network to provide seamless connectivity to backup storage in the Amazon Web Services Cloud.
type list_gateways_output = {
next_token : string option;
The next item following a partial list of returned resources. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults
number of resources, NextToken
allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
gateways : gateway list option;
A list of your gateways.
type list_gateways_input = {
next_token : string option;
The next item following a partial list of returned resources. For example, if a request is made to return MaxResults
number of resources, NextToken
allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
max_results : int option;
The maximum number of gateways to list.
type internal_server_exception = {
message : string option;
error_code : string option;
A description of which internal error occured.
The operation did not succeed because an internal error occurred. Try again later.
type import_hypervisor_configuration_input = {
kms_key_arn : string option;
The Key Management Service for the hypervisor.
*)password : string option;
The password for the hypervisor.
*)username : string option;
The username for the hypervisor.
*)host : string;
The server host of the hypervisor. This can be either an IP address or a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).
*)name : string;
The name of the hypervisor.
type hypervisor_details = {
latest_metadata_sync_status : sync_metadata_status option;
This is the most recent status for the indicated metadata sync.
*)latest_metadata_sync_status_message : string option;
This is the most recent status for the indicated metadata sync.
*)last_successful_metadata_sync_time : float option;
This is the time when the most recent successful sync of metadata occurred.
*)state : hypervisor_state option;
This is the current state of the specified hypervisor.
The possible states are PENDING
, or ERROR
log_group_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the group of gateways within the requested log.
*)name : string option;
This is the name of the specified hypervisor.
*)kms_key_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS used to encrypt the hypervisor.
*)hypervisor_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hypervisor.
*)host : string option;
The server host of the hypervisor. This can be either an IP address or a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).
These are the details of the specified hypervisor. A hypervisor is hardware, software, or firmware that creates and manages virtual machines, and allocates resources to them.
type get_virtual_machine_output = {
virtual_machine : virtual_machine_details option;
This object contains the basic attributes of VirtualMachine
contained by the output of GetVirtualMachine
type get_hypervisor_property_mappings_output = {
iam_role_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role.
*)vmware_to_aws_tag_mappings : vmware_to_aws_tag_mapping list option;
This is a display of the mappings of on-premises VMware tags to the Amazon Web Services tags.
*)hypervisor_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hypervisor.
type get_hypervisor_output = {
hypervisor : hypervisor_details option;
Details about the requested hypervisor.
type gateway_details = {
vpc_endpoint : string option;
The DNS name for the virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint the gateway uses to connect to the cloud for backup gateway.
*)next_update_availability_time : float option;
Details showing the next update availability time of the gateway.
*)maintenance_start_time : maintenance_start_time option;
Returns your gateway's weekly maintenance start time including the day and time of the week. Note that values are in terms of the gateway's time zone. Can be weekly or monthly.
*)last_seen_time : float option;
Details showing the last time Backup gateway communicated with the cloud, in Unix format and UTC time.
*)hypervisor_id : string option;
The hypervisor ID of the gateway.
*)gateway_type : gateway_type option;
The type of the gateway type.
*)gateway_display_name : string option;
The display name of the gateway.
*)gateway_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways
operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.
The details of gateway.
type get_gateway_output = {
gateway : gateway_details option;
By providing the ARN (Amazon Resource Name), this API returns the gateway.
type get_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_output = {
bandwidth_rate_limit_intervals : bandwidth_rate_limit_interval list option;
An array containing bandwidth rate limit schedule intervals for a gateway. When no bandwidth rate limit intervals have been scheduled, the array is empty.
*)gateway_arn : string option;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways
operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.
type get_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_input = {
gateway_arn : string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways
operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.
type create_gateway_input = {
gateway_type : gateway_type;
The type of created gateway.
*)gateway_display_name : string;
The display name of the created gateway.
*)activation_key : string;
The activation key of the created gateway.
Backup gateway Backup gateway connects Backup to your hypervisor, so you can create, store, and restore backups of your virtual machines (VMs) anywhere, whether on-premises or in the VMware Cloud (VMC) on Amazon Web Services.
Add on-premises resources by connecting to a hypervisor through a gateway. Backup will automatically discover the resources in your hypervisor.
Use Backup to assign virtual or on-premises resources to a backup plan, or run on-demand backups. Once you have backed up your resources, you can view them and restore them like any resource supported by Backup.
To download the Amazon Web Services software to get started, navigate to the Backup console, choose Gateways, then choose Create gateway.
type associate_gateway_to_server_input = {
server_arn : string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the server that hosts your virtual machines.
*)gateway_arn : string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways
operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.
type base_document = Smaws_Lib.Json.t
val make_vmware_to_aws_tag_mapping :
aws_tag_value:string ->
aws_tag_key:string ->
vmware_tag_name:string ->
vmware_category:string ->
unit ->
Create a vmware_to_aws_tag_mapping
val make_vmware_tag :
?vmware_tag_description:string ->
?vmware_tag_name:string ->
?vmware_category:string ->
unit ->
Create a vmware_tag
val make_virtual_machine :
?last_backup_date:float ->
?resource_arn:string ->
?path:string ->
?name:string ->
?hypervisor_id:string ->
?host_name:string ->
unit ->
Create a virtual_machine
val make_virtual_machine_details :
?vmware_tags:vmware_tag list ->
?last_backup_date:float ->
?resource_arn:string ->
?path:string ->
?name:string ->
?hypervisor_id:string ->
?host_name:string ->
unit ->
Create a virtual_machine_details
val make_update_hypervisor_output :
?hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a update_hypervisor_output
val make_update_hypervisor_input :
?log_group_arn:string ->
?name:string ->
?password:string ->
?username:string ->
?host:string ->
hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a update_hypervisor_input
val make_update_gateway_software_now_output :
?gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a update_gateway_software_now_output
val make_update_gateway_software_now_input :
gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a update_gateway_software_now_input
val make_update_gateway_information_output :
?gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a update_gateway_information_output
val make_update_gateway_information_input :
?gateway_display_name:string ->
gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a update_gateway_information_input
val make_untag_resource_output :
?resource_ar_n:string ->
unit ->
Create a untag_resource_output
val make_untag_resource_input :
tag_keys:string list ->
resource_ar_n:string ->
unit ->
Create a untag_resource_input
val make_test_hypervisor_configuration_output :
unit ->
Create a test_hypervisor_configuration_output
val make_test_hypervisor_configuration_input :
?password:string ->
?username:string ->
host:string ->
gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a test_hypervisor_configuration_input
val make_tag_resource_output :
?resource_ar_n:string ->
unit ->
Create a tag_resource_output
val make_tag_resource_input :
tags:tag list ->
resource_ar_n:string ->
unit ->
Create a tag_resource_input
val make_start_virtual_machines_metadata_sync_output :
?hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a start_virtual_machines_metadata_sync_output
val make_start_virtual_machines_metadata_sync_input :
hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a start_virtual_machines_metadata_sync_input
val make_put_maintenance_start_time_output :
?gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a put_maintenance_start_time_output
val make_put_maintenance_start_time_input :
?day_of_month:int ->
?day_of_week:int ->
minute_of_hour:int ->
hour_of_day:int ->
gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a put_maintenance_start_time_input
val make_put_hypervisor_property_mappings_output :
?hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a put_hypervisor_property_mappings_output
val make_put_hypervisor_property_mappings_input :
iam_role_arn:string ->
vmware_to_aws_tag_mappings:vmware_to_aws_tag_mapping list ->
hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a put_hypervisor_property_mappings_input
val make_put_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_output :
?gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a put_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_output
val make_bandwidth_rate_limit_interval :
?average_upload_rate_limit_in_bits_per_sec:int ->
days_of_week:int list ->
end_minute_of_hour:int ->
start_minute_of_hour:int ->
end_hour_of_day:int ->
start_hour_of_day:int ->
unit ->
Create a bandwidth_rate_limit_interval
val make_put_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_input :
bandwidth_rate_limit_intervals:bandwidth_rate_limit_interval list ->
gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a put_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_input
val make_maintenance_start_time :
?day_of_week:int ->
?day_of_month:int ->
minute_of_hour:int ->
hour_of_day:int ->
unit ->
Create a maintenance_start_time
val make_list_virtual_machines_output :
?next_token:string ->
?virtual_machines:virtual_machine list ->
unit ->
Create a list_virtual_machines_output
val make_list_virtual_machines_input :
?next_token:string ->
?max_results:int ->
?hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a list_virtual_machines_input
val make_list_tags_for_resource_output :
?tags:tag list ->
?resource_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a list_tags_for_resource_output
val make_list_tags_for_resource_input :
resource_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a list_tags_for_resource_input
val make_hypervisor :
?state:hypervisor_state ->
?name:string ->
?kms_key_arn:string ->
?hypervisor_arn:string ->
?host:string ->
unit ->
Create a hypervisor
val make_list_hypervisors_output :
?next_token:string ->
?hypervisors:hypervisor list ->
unit ->
Create a list_hypervisors_output
val make_list_hypervisors_input :
?next_token:string ->
?max_results:int ->
unit ->
Create a list_hypervisors_input
val make_gateway :
?last_seen_time:float ->
?hypervisor_id:string ->
?gateway_type:gateway_type ->
?gateway_display_name:string ->
?gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a gateway
val make_list_gateways_output :
?next_token:string ->
?gateways:gateway list ->
unit ->
Create a list_gateways_output
val make_list_gateways_input :
?next_token:string ->
?max_results:int ->
unit ->
Create a list_gateways_input
val make_import_hypervisor_configuration_output :
?hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a import_hypervisor_configuration_output
val make_import_hypervisor_configuration_input :
?tags:tag list ->
?kms_key_arn:string ->
?password:string ->
?username:string ->
host:string ->
name:string ->
unit ->
Create a import_hypervisor_configuration_input
val make_hypervisor_details :
?latest_metadata_sync_status:sync_metadata_status ->
?latest_metadata_sync_status_message:string ->
?last_successful_metadata_sync_time:float ->
?state:hypervisor_state ->
?log_group_arn:string ->
?name:string ->
?kms_key_arn:string ->
?hypervisor_arn:string ->
?host:string ->
unit ->
Create a hypervisor_details
val make_get_virtual_machine_output :
?virtual_machine:virtual_machine_details ->
unit ->
Create a get_virtual_machine_output
val make_get_virtual_machine_input :
resource_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a get_virtual_machine_input
val make_get_hypervisor_property_mappings_output :
?iam_role_arn:string ->
?vmware_to_aws_tag_mappings:vmware_to_aws_tag_mapping list ->
?hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a get_hypervisor_property_mappings_output
val make_get_hypervisor_property_mappings_input :
hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a get_hypervisor_property_mappings_input
val make_get_hypervisor_output :
?hypervisor:hypervisor_details ->
unit ->
Create a get_hypervisor_output
val make_get_hypervisor_input :
hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a get_hypervisor_input
val make_gateway_details :
?vpc_endpoint:string ->
?next_update_availability_time:float ->
?maintenance_start_time:maintenance_start_time ->
?last_seen_time:float ->
?hypervisor_id:string ->
?gateway_type:gateway_type ->
?gateway_display_name:string ->
?gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a gateway_details
val make_get_gateway_output :
?gateway:gateway_details ->
unit ->
Create a get_gateway_output
val make_get_gateway_input : gateway_arn:string -> unit -> get_gateway_input
Create a get_gateway_input
val make_get_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_output :
?bandwidth_rate_limit_intervals:bandwidth_rate_limit_interval list ->
?gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a get_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_output
val make_get_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_input :
gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a get_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule_input
val make_disassociate_gateway_from_server_output :
?gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a disassociate_gateway_from_server_output
val make_disassociate_gateway_from_server_input :
gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a disassociate_gateway_from_server_input
val make_delete_hypervisor_output :
?hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a delete_hypervisor_output
val make_delete_hypervisor_input :
hypervisor_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a delete_hypervisor_input
val make_delete_gateway_output :
?gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a delete_gateway_output
val make_delete_gateway_input :
gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a delete_gateway_input
val make_create_gateway_output :
?gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a create_gateway_output
val make_create_gateway_input :
?tags:tag list ->
gateway_type:gateway_type ->
gateway_display_name:string ->
activation_key:string ->
unit ->
Create a create_gateway_input
val make_associate_gateway_to_server_output :
?gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a associate_gateway_to_server_output
val make_associate_gateway_to_server_input :
server_arn:string ->
gateway_arn:string ->
unit ->
Create a associate_gateway_to_server_input
module AssociateGatewayToServer : sig ... end
module CreateGateway : sig ... end
module DeleteGateway : sig ... end
module DeleteHypervisor : sig ... end
module DisassociateGatewayFromServer : sig ... end
module GetBandwidthRateLimitSchedule : sig ... end
module GetGateway : sig ... end
module GetHypervisor : sig ... end
module GetHypervisorPropertyMappings : sig ... end
module GetVirtualMachine : sig ... end
module ImportHypervisorConfiguration : sig ... end
module ListGateways : sig ... end
module ListHypervisors : sig ... end
module ListTagsForResource : sig ... end
module ListVirtualMachines : sig ... end
module PutBandwidthRateLimitSchedule : sig ... end
module PutHypervisorPropertyMappings : sig ... end
module PutMaintenanceStartTime : sig ... end
module StartVirtualMachinesMetadataSync : sig ... end
module TagResource : sig ... end
module TestHypervisorConfiguration : sig ... end
module UntagResource : sig ... end
module UpdateGatewayInformation : sig ... end
module UpdateGatewaySoftwareNow : sig ... end
module UpdateHypervisor : sig ... end