val request :
Smaws_Lib.Context.t ->
enable_federation_request ->
[> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error
| `AccessDeniedException of access_denied_exception
| `CloudTrailAccessNotEnabledException of
| `ConcurrentModificationException of concurrent_modification_exception
| `EventDataStoreARNInvalidException of
| `EventDataStoreFederationEnabledException of
| `EventDataStoreNotFoundException of event_data_store_not_found_exception
| `InactiveEventDataStoreException of inactive_event_data_store_exception
| `InsufficientDependencyServiceAccessPermissionException of
| `InvalidParameterException of invalid_parameter_exception
| `NoManagementAccountSLRExistsException of
| `NotOrganizationMasterAccountException of
| `OperationNotPermittedException of operation_not_permitted_exception
| `OrganizationNotInAllFeaturesModeException of
| `OrganizationsNotInUseException of organizations_not_in_use_exception
| `UnsupportedOperationException of unsupported_operation_exception ])
Enables Lake query federation on the specified event data store. Federating an event data store lets you view the metadata associated with the event data store in the Glue Data Catalog and run SQL queries against your event data using Amazon Athena. The table metadata stored in the Glue Data Catalog lets the Athena query engine know how to find, read, and process the data that you want to query.
When you enable Lake query federation, CloudTrail creates a managed database named aws:cloudtrail
(if the database doesn't already exist) and a managed federated table in the Glue Data Catalog. The event data store ID is used for the table name. CloudTrail registers the role ARN and event data store in Lake Formation, the service responsible for allowing fine-grained access control of the federated resources in the Glue Data Catalog.
For more information about Lake query federation, see Federate an event data store.