Module Smaws_Client_CloudTrail.GetInsightSelectors

val request : Smaws_Lib.Context.t -> get_insight_selectors_request -> (get_insight_selectors_response, [> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error | `CloudTrailARNInvalidException of cloud_trail_arn_invalid_exception | `InsightNotEnabledException of insight_not_enabled_exception | `InvalidParameterCombinationException of invalid_parameter_combination_exception | `InvalidParameterException of invalid_parameter_exception | `InvalidTrailNameException of invalid_trail_name_exception | `NoManagementAccountSLRExistsException of no_management_account_slr_exists_exception | `OperationNotPermittedException of operation_not_permitted_exception | `ThrottlingException of throttling_exception | `TrailNotFoundException of trail_not_found_exception | `UnsupportedOperationException of unsupported_operation_exception ]) Stdlib.result

Describes the settings for the Insights event selectors that you configured for your trail or event data store. GetInsightSelectors shows if CloudTrail Insights event logging is enabled on the trail or event data store, and if it is, which Insights types are enabled. If you run GetInsightSelectors on a trail or event data store that does not have Insights events enabled, the operation throws the exception InsightNotEnabledException

Specify either the EventDataStore parameter to get Insights event selectors for an event data store, or the TrailName parameter to the get Insights event selectors for a trail. You cannot specify these parameters together.

For more information, see Logging CloudTrail Insights events in the CloudTrail User Guide.