val request :
Smaws_Lib.Context.t ->
list_backups_input ->
[> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error
| `InternalServerError of internal_server_error
| `InvalidEndpointException of invalid_endpoint_exception ])
List DynamoDB backups that are associated with an Amazon Web Services account and weren't made with Amazon Web Services Backup. To list these backups for a given table, specify TableName
. ListBackups
returns a paginated list of results with at most 1 MB worth of items in a page. You can also specify a maximum number of entries to be returned in a page.
In the request, start time is inclusive, but end time is exclusive. Note that these boundaries are for the time at which the original backup was requested.
You can call ListBackups
a maximum of five times per second.
If you want to retrieve the complete list of backups made with Amazon Web Services Backup, use the Amazon Web Services Backup list API.