Module Smaws_Client_FMS.DisassociateAdminAccount

val request : Smaws_Lib.Context.t -> disassociate_admin_account_request -> (unit, [> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error | `InternalErrorException of internal_error_exception | `InvalidOperationException of invalid_operation_exception | `ResourceNotFoundException of resource_not_found_exception ]) Stdlib.result

Disassociates an Firewall Manager administrator account. To set a different account as an Firewall Manager administrator, submit a PutAdminAccount request. To set an account as a default administrator account, you must submit an AssociateAdminAccount request.

Disassociation of the default administrator account follows the first in, last out principle. If you are the default administrator, all Firewall Manager administrators within the organization must first disassociate their accounts before you can disassociate your account.