val request :
Smaws_Lib.Context.t ->
update_key_description_request ->
[> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error
| `DependencyTimeoutException of dependency_timeout_exception
| `InvalidArnException of invalid_arn_exception
| `KMSInternalException of kms_internal_exception
| `KMSInvalidStateException of kms_invalid_state_exception
| `NotFoundException of not_found_exception ])
Updates the description of a KMS key. To see the description of a KMS key, use DescribeKey
The KMS key that you use for this operation must be in a compatible key state. For details, see Key states of KMS keys in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.
Cross-account use: No. You cannot perform this operation on a KMS key in a different Amazon Web Services account.
Required permissions: kms:UpdateKeyDescription (key policy)
Related operations
Eventual consistency: The KMS API follows an eventual consistency model. For more information, see KMS eventual consistency.