Module Smaws_Client_KinesisAnalyticsV2

Kinesis Analytics V2 client library built on EIO.


type log_level =
  1. | DEBUG
  2. | ERROR
  3. | WARN
  4. | INFO
type zeppelin_monitoring_configuration_update = {
  1. log_level_update : log_level;

    Updates to the logging level for Apache Zeppelin within a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.


Updates to the monitoring configuration for Apache Zeppelin within a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

type zeppelin_monitoring_configuration_description = {
  1. log_level : log_level option;

    Describes the verbosity of the CloudWatch Logs for an application.


The monitoring configuration for Apache Zeppelin within a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

type zeppelin_monitoring_configuration = {
  1. log_level : log_level;

    The verbosity of the CloudWatch Logs for an application.


Describes configuration parameters for Amazon CloudWatch logging for a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook. For more information about CloudWatch logging, see Monitoring.

type glue_data_catalog_configuration_update = {
  1. database_arn_update : string;

    The updated Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the database.


Updates to the configuration of the Glue Data Catalog that you use for SQL queries that you write in a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

type catalog_configuration_update = {
  1. glue_data_catalog_configuration_update : glue_data_catalog_configuration_update;

    Updates to the configuration parameters for the default Amazon Glue database. You use this database for SQL queries that you write in a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.


Updates to the configuration parameters for the default Amazon Glue database. You use this database for SQL queries that you write in a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

type s3_content_base_location_update = {
  1. base_path_update : string option;

    The updated S3 bucket path.

  2. bucket_arn_update : string option;

    The updated Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket.


The information required to update the S3 base location that holds the application.

type deploy_as_application_configuration_update = {
  1. s3_content_location_update : s3_content_base_location_update option;

    Updates to the location that holds the data required to specify an Amazon Data Analytics application.


Updates to the configuration information required to deploy an Amazon Data Analytics Studio notebook as an application with durable state.

type artifact_type =
  2. | UDF
type s3_content_location = {
  1. object_version : string option;

    The version of the object containing the application code.

  2. file_key : string;

    The file key for the object containing the application code.

  3. bucket_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the S3 bucket containing the application code.


For a Managed Service for Apache Flink application provides a description of an Amazon S3 object, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket, the name of the Amazon S3 object that contains the data, and the version number of the Amazon S3 object that contains the data.

type maven_reference = {
  1. version : string;

    The version of the Maven reference.

  2. artifact_id : string;

    The artifact ID of the Maven reference.

  3. group_id : string;

    The group ID of the Maven reference.


The information required to specify a Maven reference. You can use Maven references to specify dependency JAR files.

type custom_artifact_configuration = {
  1. maven_reference : maven_reference option;

    The parameters required to fully specify a Maven reference.

  2. s3_content_location : s3_content_location option;
  3. artifact_type : artifact_type;

    UDF stands for user-defined functions. This type of artifact must be in an S3 bucket. A DEPENDENCY_JAR can be in either Maven or an S3 bucket.


Specifies dependency JARs, as well as JAR files that contain user-defined functions (UDF).

type zeppelin_application_configuration_update = {
  1. custom_artifacts_configuration_update : custom_artifact_configuration list option;

    Updates to the customer artifacts. Custom artifacts are dependency JAR files and user-defined functions (UDF).

  2. deploy_as_application_configuration_update : deploy_as_application_configuration_update option;
  3. catalog_configuration_update : catalog_configuration_update option;

    Updates to the configuration of the Amazon Glue Data Catalog that is associated with the Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

  4. monitoring_configuration_update : zeppelin_monitoring_configuration_update option;

    Updates to the monitoring configuration of a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.


Updates to the configuration of Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

type glue_data_catalog_configuration_description = {
  1. database_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the database.


The configuration of the Glue Data Catalog that you use for Apache Flink SQL queries and table API transforms that you write in an application.

type catalog_configuration_description = {
  1. glue_data_catalog_configuration_description : glue_data_catalog_configuration_description;

    The configuration parameters for the default Amazon Glue database. You use this database for SQL queries that you write in a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.


The configuration parameters for the default Amazon Glue database. You use this database for Apache Flink SQL queries and table API transforms that you write in a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

type s3_content_base_location_description = {
  1. base_path : string option;

    The base path for the S3 bucket.

  2. bucket_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket.


The description of the S3 base location that holds the application.

type deploy_as_application_configuration_description = {
  1. s3_content_location_description : s3_content_base_location_description;

    The location that holds the data required to specify an Amazon Data Analytics application.


The configuration information required to deploy an Amazon Data Analytics Studio notebook as an application with durable state.

type custom_artifact_configuration_description = {
  1. maven_reference_description : maven_reference option;

    The parameters that are required to specify a Maven dependency.

  2. s3_content_location_description : s3_content_location option;
  3. artifact_type : artifact_type option;

    UDF stands for user-defined functions. This type of artifact must be in an S3 bucket. A DEPENDENCY_JAR can be in either Maven or an S3 bucket.


Specifies a dependency JAR or a JAR of user-defined functions.

type zeppelin_application_configuration_description = {
  1. custom_artifacts_configuration_description : custom_artifact_configuration_description list option;

    Custom artifacts are dependency JARs and user-defined functions (UDF).

  2. deploy_as_application_configuration_description : deploy_as_application_configuration_description option;

    The parameters required to deploy a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook as an application with durable state.

  3. catalog_configuration_description : catalog_configuration_description option;

    The Amazon Glue Data Catalog that is associated with the Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

  4. monitoring_configuration_description : zeppelin_monitoring_configuration_description;

    The monitoring configuration of a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.


The configuration of a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

type glue_data_catalog_configuration = {
  1. database_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the database.


The configuration of the Glue Data Catalog that you use for Apache Flink SQL queries and table API transforms that you write in an application.

type catalog_configuration = {
  1. glue_data_catalog_configuration : glue_data_catalog_configuration;

    The configuration parameters for the default Amazon Glue database. You use this database for Apache Flink SQL queries and table API transforms that you write in a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.


The configuration parameters for the default Amazon Glue database. You use this database for SQL queries that you write in a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

type s3_content_base_location = {
  1. base_path : string option;

    The base path for the S3 bucket.

  2. bucket_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket.


The S3 bucket that holds the application information.

type deploy_as_application_configuration = {
  1. s3_content_location : s3_content_base_location;

    The description of an Amazon S3 object that contains the Amazon Data Analytics application, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket, the name of the Amazon S3 object that contains the data, and the version number of the Amazon S3 object that contains the data.


The information required to deploy a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook as an application with durable state.

type zeppelin_application_configuration = {
  1. custom_artifacts_configuration : custom_artifact_configuration list option;

    Custom artifacts are dependency JARs and user-defined functions (UDF).

  2. deploy_as_application_configuration : deploy_as_application_configuration option;

    The information required to deploy a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook as an application with durable state.

  3. catalog_configuration : catalog_configuration option;

    The Amazon Glue Data Catalog that you use in queries in a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

  4. monitoring_configuration : zeppelin_monitoring_configuration option;

    The monitoring configuration of a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.


The configuration of a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

type vpc_configuration = {
  1. security_group_ids : string list;

    The array of SecurityGroup IDs used by the VPC configuration.

  2. subnet_ids : string list;

    The array of Subnet IDs used by the VPC configuration.


Describes the parameters of a VPC used by the application.

type vpc_configuration_update = {
  1. security_group_id_updates : string list option;

    Describes updates to the array of SecurityGroup IDs used by the VPC configuration.

  2. subnet_id_updates : string list option;

    Describes updates to the array of Subnet IDs used by the VPC configuration.

  3. vpc_configuration_id : string;

    Describes an update to the ID of the VPC configuration.


Describes updates to the VPC configuration used by the application.

type vpc_configuration_description = {
  1. security_group_ids : string list;

    The array of SecurityGroup IDs used by the VPC configuration.

  2. subnet_ids : string list;

    The array of Subnet IDs used by the VPC configuration.

  3. vpc_id : string;

    The ID of the associated VPC.

  4. vpc_configuration_id : string;

    The ID of the VPC configuration.


Describes the parameters of a VPC used by the application.

type url_type =
type runtime_environment =
  1. | SQL_1_0
type application_status =
  7. | RUNNING
  8. | READY
  10. | STARTING
  11. | DELETING
type input_lambda_processor_description = {
  1. role_ar_n : string option;

    The ARN of the IAM role that is used to access the Amazon Lambda function.

    Provided for backward compatibility. Applications that are created with the current API version have an application-level service execution role rather than a resource-level role.

  2. resource_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the Amazon Lambda function that is used to preprocess the records in the stream.

    To specify an earlier version of the Lambda function than the latest, include the Lambda function version in the Lambda function ARN. For more information about Lambda ARNs, see Example ARNs: Amazon Lambda


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, an object that contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Lambda function that is used to preprocess records in the stream.

type input_processing_configuration_description = {
  1. input_lambda_processor_description : input_lambda_processor_description option;

    Provides configuration information about the associated InputLambdaProcessorDescription


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides the configuration information about an input processor. Currently, the only input processor available is Amazon Lambda.

type kinesis_streams_input_description = {
  1. role_ar_n : string option;

    The ARN of the IAM role that Kinesis Data Analytics can assume to access the stream.

    Provided for backward compatibility. Applications that are created with the current API version have an application-level service execution role rather than a resource-level role.

  2. resource_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Kinesis data stream.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the Kinesis data stream that is configured as the streaming source in the application input configuration.

type kinesis_firehose_input_description = {
  1. role_ar_n : string option;

    The ARN of the IAM role that Kinesis Data Analytics assumes to access the stream.

    Provided for backward compatibility. Applications that are created with the current API version have an application-level service execution role rather than a resource-level role.

  2. resource_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delivery stream.


Describes the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream that is configured as the streaming source in the application input configuration.

type record_format_type =
  1. | CSV
  2. | JSON
type json_mapping_parameters = {
  1. record_row_path : string;

    The path to the top-level parent that contains the records.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source.

For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters, such as CSV. For example, the following sample records use CSV format, where the records use the '\n' as the row delimiter and a comma (",") as the column delimiter:

"name1", "address1"

"name2", "address2"

type csv_mapping_parameters = {
  1. record_column_delimiter : string;

    The column delimiter. For example, in a CSV format, a comma (",") is the typical column delimiter.

  2. record_row_delimiter : string;

    The row delimiter. For example, in a CSV format, '\n' is the typical row delimiter.

type mapping_parameters = {
  1. csv_mapping_parameters : csv_mapping_parameters option;

    Provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters (for example, CSV).

  2. json_mapping_parameters : json_mapping_parameters option;

    Provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source.


When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source.

type record_format = {
  1. mapping_parameters : mapping_parameters option;

    When you configure application input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source.

  2. record_format_type : record_format_type;

    The type of record format.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the record format and relevant mapping information that should be applied to schematize the records on the stream.

type record_column = {
  1. sql_type : string;

    The type of column created in the in-application input stream or reference table.

  2. mapping : string option;

    A reference to the data element in the streaming input or the reference data source.

  3. name : string;

    The name of the column that is created in the in-application input stream or reference table.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the mapping of each data element in the streaming source to the corresponding column in the in-application stream.

Also used to describe the format of the reference data source.

type source_schema = {
  1. record_columns : record_column list;

    A list of RecordColumn objects.

  2. record_encoding : string option;

    Specifies the encoding of the records in the streaming source. For example, UTF-8.

  3. record_format : record_format;

    Specifies the format of the records on the streaming source.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.

type input_parallelism = {
  1. count : int option;

    The number of in-application streams to create.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the number of in-application streams to create for a given streaming source.

type input_starting_position =
  3. | NOW
type input_starting_position_configuration = {
  1. input_starting_position : input_starting_position option;

    The starting position on the stream.

    • NOW - Start reading just after the most recent record in the stream, and start at the request timestamp that the customer issued.
    • TRIM_HORIZON - Start reading at the last untrimmed record in the stream, which is the oldest record available in the stream. This option is not available for an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
    • LAST_STOPPED_POINT - Resume reading from where the application last stopped reading.

Describes the point at which the application reads from the streaming source.

type input_description = {
  1. input_starting_position_configuration : input_starting_position_configuration option;

    The point at which the application is configured to read from the input stream.

  2. input_parallelism : input_parallelism option;

    Describes the configured parallelism (number of in-application streams mapped to the streaming source).

  3. input_schema : source_schema option;

    Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns in the in-application stream that is being created.

  4. kinesis_firehose_input_description : kinesis_firehose_input_description option;

    If a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream is configured as a streaming source, provides the delivery stream's ARN.

  5. kinesis_streams_input_description : kinesis_streams_input_description option;

    If a Kinesis data stream is configured as a streaming source, provides the Kinesis data stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

  6. input_processing_configuration_description : input_processing_configuration_description option;

    The description of the preprocessor that executes on records in this input before the application's code is run.

  7. in_app_stream_names : string list option;

    Returns the in-application stream names that are mapped to the stream source.

  8. name_prefix : string option;

    The in-application name prefix.

  9. input_id : string option;

    The input ID that is associated with the application input. This is the ID that Kinesis Data Analytics assigns to each input configuration that you add to your application.


Describes the application input configuration for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.

type kinesis_streams_output_description = {
  1. role_ar_n : string option;

    The ARN of the IAM role that Kinesis Data Analytics can assume to access the stream.

    Provided for backward compatibility. Applications that are created with the current API version have an application-level service execution role rather than a resource-level role.

  2. resource_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Kinesis data stream.


For an SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output, describes the Kinesis data stream that is configured as its destination.

type kinesis_firehose_output_description = {
  1. role_ar_n : string option;

    The ARN of the IAM role that Kinesis Data Analytics can assume to access the stream.

    Provided for backward compatibility. Applications that are created with the current API version have an application-level service execution role rather than a resource-level role.

  2. resource_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delivery stream.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output, describes the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream that is configured as its destination.

type lambda_output_description = {
  1. role_ar_n : string option;

    The ARN of the IAM role that Kinesis Data Analytics can assume to write to the destination function.

    Provided for backward compatibility. Applications that are created with the current API version have an application-level service execution role rather than a resource-level role.

  2. resource_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination Lambda function.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output, describes the Amazon Lambda function that is configured as its destination.

type destination_schema = {
  1. record_format_type : record_format_type;

    Specifies the format of the records on the output stream.


Describes the data format when records are written to the destination in a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.

type output_description = {
  1. destination_schema : destination_schema option;

    The data format used for writing data to the destination.

  2. lambda_output_description : lambda_output_description option;

    Describes the Lambda function that is configured as the destination where output is written.

  3. kinesis_firehose_output_description : kinesis_firehose_output_description option;

    Describes the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream that is configured as the destination where output is written.

  4. kinesis_streams_output_description : kinesis_streams_output_description option;

    Describes the Kinesis data stream that is configured as the destination where output is written.

  5. name : string option;

    The name of the in-application stream that is configured as output.

  6. output_id : string option;

    A unique identifier for the output configuration.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the application output configuration, which includes the in-application stream name and the destination where the stream data is written. The destination can be a Kinesis data stream or a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.

type s3_reference_data_source_description = {
  1. reference_role_ar_n : string option;

    The ARN of the IAM role that Kinesis Data Analytics can assume to read the Amazon S3 object on your behalf to populate the in-application reference table.

    Provided for backward compatibility. Applications that are created with the current API version have an application-level service execution role rather than a resource-level role.

  2. file_key : string;

    Amazon S3 object key name.

  3. bucket_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides the bucket name and object key name that stores the reference data.

type reference_data_source_description = {
  1. reference_schema : source_schema option;

    Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.

  2. s3_reference_data_source_description : s3_reference_data_source_description;

    Provides the Amazon S3 bucket name, the object key name that contains the reference data.

  3. table_name : string;

    The in-application table name created by the specific reference data source configuration.

  4. reference_id : string;

    The ID of the reference data source. This is the ID that Kinesis Data Analytics assigns when you add the reference data source to your application using the CreateApplication or UpdateApplication operation.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the reference data source configured for an application.

type sql_application_configuration_description = {
  1. reference_data_source_descriptions : reference_data_source_description list option;

    The array of ReferenceDataSourceDescription objects describing the reference data sources used by the application.

  2. output_descriptions : output_description list option;

    The array of OutputDescription objects describing the destination streams used by the application.

  3. input_descriptions : input_description list option;

    The array of InputDescription objects describing the input streams used by the application.


Describes the inputs, outputs, and reference data sources for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.

type code_content_type =
  1. | ZIPFILE
type s3_application_code_location_description = {
  1. object_version : string option;

    The version of the object containing the application code.

  2. file_key : string;

    The file key for the object containing the application code.

  3. bucket_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the S3 bucket containing the application code.


Describes the location of an application's code stored in an S3 bucket.

type code_content_description = {
  1. s3_application_code_location_description : s3_application_code_location_description option;

    The S3 bucket Amazon Resource Name (ARN), file key, and object version of the application code stored in Amazon S3.

  2. code_size : int option;

    The size in bytes of the application code. Can be used to validate zip-format code.

  3. code_m_d5 : string option;

    The checksum that can be used to validate zip-format code.

  4. text_content : string option;

    The text-format code


Describes details about the code of a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type application_code_configuration_description = {
  1. code_content_description : code_content_description option;

    Describes details about the location and format of the application code.

  2. code_content_type : code_content_type;

    Specifies whether the code content is in text or zip format.


Describes code configuration for an application.

type application_restore_type =
type application_restore_configuration = {
  1. snapshot_name : string option;

    The identifier of an existing snapshot of application state to use to restart an application. The application uses this value if RESTORE_FROM_CUSTOM_SNAPSHOT is specified for the ApplicationRestoreType.

  2. application_restore_type : application_restore_type;

    Specifies how the application should be restored.


Specifies the method and snapshot to use when restarting an application using previously saved application state.

Describes the starting parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type run_configuration_description = {
  1. application_restore_configuration_description : application_restore_configuration option;

    Describes the restore behavior of a restarting application.


Describes the starting properties for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type configuration_type =
  1. | CUSTOM
  2. | DEFAULT
type checkpoint_configuration_description = {
  1. min_pause_between_checkpoints : int option;

    Describes the minimum time in milliseconds after a checkpoint operation completes that a new checkpoint operation can start.

    If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints value of 5000, even if this value is set using this API or in application code.

  2. checkpoint_interval : int option;

    Describes the interval in milliseconds between checkpoint operations.

    If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a CheckpointInterval value of 60000, even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code.

  3. checkpointing_enabled : bool option;

    Describes whether checkpointing is enabled for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

    If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a CheckpointingEnabled value of true, even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code.

  4. configuration_type : configuration_type option;

    Describes whether the application uses the default checkpointing behavior in Managed Service for Apache Flink.

    If this value is set to DEFAULT, the application will use the following values, even if they are set to other values using APIs or application code:

    • CheckpointingEnabled: true
    • CheckpointInterval: 60000
    • MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints: 5000

Describes checkpointing parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type metrics_level =
  3. | TASK
type monitoring_configuration_description = {
  1. log_level : log_level option;

    Describes the verbosity of the CloudWatch Logs for an application.

  2. metrics_level : metrics_level option;

    Describes the granularity of the CloudWatch Logs for an application.

  3. configuration_type : configuration_type option;

    Describes whether to use the default CloudWatch logging configuration for an application.


Describes configuration parameters for CloudWatch logging for an application.

type parallelism_configuration_description = {
  1. auto_scaling_enabled : bool option;

    Describes whether the Managed Service for Apache Flink service can increase the parallelism of the application in response to increased throughput.

  2. current_parallelism : int option;

    Describes the current number of parallel tasks that a Managed Service for Apache Flink application can perform. If AutoScalingEnabled is set to True, Managed Service for Apache Flink can increase this value in response to application load. The service can increase this value up to the maximum parallelism, which is ParalellismPerKPU times the maximum KPUs for the application. The maximum KPUs for an application is 32 by default, and can be increased by requesting a limit increase. If application load is reduced, the service can reduce the CurrentParallelism value down to the Parallelism setting.

  3. parallelism_per_kp_u : int option;

    Describes the number of parallel tasks that a Managed Service for Apache Flink application can perform per Kinesis Processing Unit (KPU) used by the application.

  4. parallelism : int option;

    Describes the initial number of parallel tasks that a Managed Service for Apache Flink application can perform. If AutoScalingEnabled is set to True, then Managed Service for Apache Flink can increase the CurrentParallelism value in response to application load. The service can increase CurrentParallelism up to the maximum parallelism, which is ParalellismPerKPU times the maximum KPUs for the application. The maximum KPUs for an application is 32 by default, and can be increased by requesting a limit increase. If application load is reduced, the service can reduce the CurrentParallelism value down to the Parallelism setting.

  5. configuration_type : configuration_type option;

    Describes whether the application uses the default parallelism for the Managed Service for Apache Flink service.


Describes parameters for how a Managed Service for Apache Flink application executes multiple tasks simultaneously.

Describes configuration parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type property_group = {
  1. property_map : (string * string) list;

    Describes the value of an application execution property key-value pair.

  2. property_group_id : string;

    Describes the key of an application execution property key-value pair.


Property key-value pairs passed into an application.

type environment_property_descriptions = {
  1. property_group_descriptions : property_group list option;

    Describes the execution property groups.


Describes the execution properties for an Apache Flink runtime.

type application_snapshot_configuration_description = {
  1. snapshots_enabled : bool;

    Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.


Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type application_configuration_description = {
  1. zeppelin_application_configuration_description : zeppelin_application_configuration_description option;

    The configuration parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

  2. vpc_configuration_descriptions : vpc_configuration_description list option;

    The array of descriptions of VPC configurations available to the application.

  3. application_snapshot_configuration_description : application_snapshot_configuration_description option;

    Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  4. environment_property_descriptions : environment_property_descriptions option;

    Describes execution properties for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  5. run_configuration_description : run_configuration_description option;

    The details about the starting properties for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  6. application_code_configuration_description : application_code_configuration_description option;

    The details about the application code for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  7. sql_application_configuration_description : sql_application_configuration_description option;

    The details about inputs, outputs, and reference data sources for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.


Describes details about the application code and starting parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type cloud_watch_logging_option_description = {
  1. role_ar_n : string option;

    The IAM ARN of the role to use to send application messages.

    Provided for backward compatibility. Applications created with the current API version have an application-level service execution role rather than a resource-level role.

  2. log_stream_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch log to receive application messages.

  3. cloud_watch_logging_option_id : string option;

    The ID of the CloudWatch logging option description.


Describes the Amazon CloudWatch logging option.

type application_maintenance_configuration_description = {
  1. application_maintenance_window_end_time : string;

    The end time for the maintenance window.

  2. application_maintenance_window_start_time : string;

    The start time for the maintenance window.


The details of the maintenance configuration for the application.

type application_mode =
type application_detail = {
  1. application_mode : application_mode option;

    To create a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook, you must set the mode to INTERACTIVE. However, for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application, the mode is optional.

  2. application_version_rolled_back_to : int option;

    The version to which you want to roll back the application.

  3. conditional_token : string option;

    A value you use to implement strong concurrency for application updates.

  4. application_version_rolled_back_from : int option;

    If you reverted the application using RollbackApplication, the application version when RollbackApplication was called.

  5. application_version_updated_from : int option;

    The previous application version before the latest application update. RollbackApplication reverts the application to this version.

  6. application_maintenance_configuration_description : application_maintenance_configuration_description option;

    The details of the maintenance configuration for the application.

  7. cloud_watch_logging_option_descriptions : cloud_watch_logging_option_description list option;

    Describes the application Amazon CloudWatch logging options.

  8. application_configuration_description : application_configuration_description option;

    Describes details about the application code and starting parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  9. last_update_timestamp : float option;

    The current timestamp when the application was last updated.

  10. create_timestamp : float option;

    The current timestamp when the application was created.

  11. application_version_id : int;

    Provides the current application version. Managed Service for Apache Flink updates the ApplicationVersionId each time you update the application.

  12. application_status : application_status;

    The status of the application.

  13. service_execution_role : string option;

    Specifies the IAM role that the application uses to access external resources.

  14. runtime_environment : runtime_environment;

    The runtime environment for the application.

  15. application_name : string;

    The name of the application.

  16. application_description : string option;

    The description of the application.

  17. application_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the application.


Describes the application, including the application Amazon Resource Name (ARN), status, latest version, and input and output configurations.

type update_application_response = {
  1. application_detail : application_detail;

    Describes application updates.

type input_lambda_processor_update = {
  1. resource_arn_update : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the new Amazon Lambda function that is used to preprocess the records in the stream.

    To specify an earlier version of the Lambda function than the latest, include the Lambda function version in the Lambda function ARN. For more information about Lambda ARNs, see Example ARNs: Amazon Lambda


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, represents an update to the InputLambdaProcessor that is used to preprocess the records in the stream.

type input_processing_configuration_update = {
  1. input_lambda_processor_update : input_lambda_processor_update;

    Provides update information for an InputLambdaProcessor.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes updates to an InputProcessingConfiguration.

type kinesis_streams_input_update = {
  1. resource_arn_update : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the input Kinesis data stream to read.


When you update the input configuration for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides information about a Kinesis stream as the streaming source.

type kinesis_firehose_input_update = {
  1. resource_arn_update : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the input delivery stream to read.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, when updating application input configuration, provides information about a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the streaming source.

type input_schema_update = {
  1. record_column_updates : record_column list option;

    A list of RecordColumn objects. Each object describes the mapping of the streaming source element to the corresponding column in the in-application stream.

  2. record_encoding_update : string option;

    Specifies the encoding of the records in the streaming source; for example, UTF-8.

  3. record_format_update : record_format option;

    Specifies the format of the records on the streaming source.


Describes updates for an SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's input schema.

type input_parallelism_update = {
  1. count_update : int;

    The number of in-application streams to create for the specified streaming source.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides updates to the parallelism count.

type input_update = {
  1. input_parallelism_update : input_parallelism_update option;

    Describes the parallelism updates (the number of in-application streams Kinesis Data Analytics creates for the specific streaming source).

  2. input_schema_update : input_schema_update option;

    Describes the data format on the streaming source, and how record elements on the streaming source map to columns of the in-application stream that is created.

  3. kinesis_firehose_input_update : kinesis_firehose_input_update option;

    If a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream is the streaming source to be updated, provides an updated stream ARN.

  4. kinesis_streams_input_update : kinesis_streams_input_update option;

    If a Kinesis data stream is the streaming source to be updated, provides an updated stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

  5. input_processing_configuration_update : input_processing_configuration_update option;

    Describes updates to an InputProcessingConfiguration.

  6. name_prefix_update : string option;

    The name prefix for in-application streams that Kinesis Data Analytics creates for the specific streaming source.

  7. input_id : string;

    The input ID of the application input to be updated.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes updates to a specific input configuration (identified by the InputId of an application).

type kinesis_streams_output_update = {
  1. resource_arn_update : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Kinesis data stream where you want to write the output.


When you update a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output configuration using the UpdateApplication operation, provides information about a Kinesis data stream that is configured as the destination.

type kinesis_firehose_output_update = {
  1. resource_arn_update : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delivery stream to write to.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, when updating an output configuration using the UpdateApplication operation, provides information about a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream that is configured as the destination.

type lambda_output_update = {
  1. resource_arn_update : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination Amazon Lambda function.

    To specify an earlier version of the Lambda function than the latest, include the Lambda function version in the Lambda function ARN. For more information about Lambda ARNs, see Example ARNs: Amazon Lambda


When you update an SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output configuration using the UpdateApplication operation, provides information about an Amazon Lambda function that is configured as the destination.

type output_update = {
  1. destination_schema_update : destination_schema option;

    Describes the data format when records are written to the destination.

  2. lambda_output_update : lambda_output_update option;

    Describes an Amazon Lambda function as the destination for the output.

  3. kinesis_firehose_output_update : kinesis_firehose_output_update option;

    Describes a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the destination for the output.

  4. kinesis_streams_output_update : kinesis_streams_output_update option;

    Describes a Kinesis data stream as the destination for the output.

  5. name_update : string option;

    If you want to specify a different in-application stream for this output configuration, use this field to specify the new in-application stream name.

  6. output_id : string;

    Identifies the specific output configuration that you want to update.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes updates to the output configuration identified by the OutputId.

type s3_reference_data_source_update = {
  1. file_key_update : string option;

    The object key name.

  2. bucket_arn_update : string option;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the Amazon S3 bucket name and object key name for an in-application reference table.

type reference_data_source_update = {
  1. reference_schema_update : source_schema option;

    Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.

  2. s3_reference_data_source_update : s3_reference_data_source_update option;

    Describes the S3 bucket name, object key name, and IAM role that Kinesis Data Analytics can assume to read the Amazon S3 object on your behalf and populate the in-application reference table.

  3. table_name_update : string option;

    The in-application table name that is created by this update.

  4. reference_id : string;

    The ID of the reference data source that is being updated. You can use the DescribeApplication operation to get this value.


When you update a reference data source configuration for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, this object provides all the updated values (such as the source bucket name and object key name), the in-application table name that is created, and updated mapping information that maps the data in the Amazon S3 object to the in-application reference table that is created.

type sql_application_configuration_update = {
  1. reference_data_source_updates : reference_data_source_update list option;

    The array of ReferenceDataSourceUpdate objects describing the new reference data sources used by the application.

  2. output_updates : output_update list option;

    The array of OutputUpdate objects describing the new destination streams used by the application.

  3. input_updates : input_update list option;

    The array of InputUpdate objects describing the new input streams used by the application.


Describes updates to the input streams, destination streams, and reference data sources for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.

type s3_content_location_update = {
  1. object_version_update : string option;

    The new version of the object containing the application code.

  2. file_key_update : string option;

    The new file key for the object containing the application code.

  3. bucket_arn_update : string option;

    The new Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the S3 bucket containing the application code.


Describes an update for the Amazon S3 code content location for an application.

type code_content_update = {
  1. s3_content_location_update : s3_content_location_update option;

    Describes an update to the location of code for an application.

  2. zip_file_content_update : bytes option;

    Describes an update to the zipped code for an application.

  3. text_content_update : string option;

    Describes an update to the text code for an application.


Describes an update to the code of an application. Not supported for Apache Zeppelin.

type application_code_configuration_update = {
  1. code_content_update : code_content_update option;

    Describes updates to the code content of an application.

  2. code_content_type_update : code_content_type option;

    Describes updates to the code content type.


Describes code configuration updates for an application. This is supported for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application or a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.

type checkpoint_configuration_update = {
  1. min_pause_between_checkpoints_update : int option;

    Describes updates to the minimum time in milliseconds after a checkpoint operation completes that a new checkpoint operation can start.

    If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints value of 5000, even if this value is set using this API or in application code.

  2. checkpoint_interval_update : int option;

    Describes updates to the interval in milliseconds between checkpoint operations.

    If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a CheckpointInterval value of 60000, even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code.

  3. checkpointing_enabled_update : bool option;

    Describes updates to whether checkpointing is enabled for an application.

    If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a CheckpointingEnabled value of true, even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code.

  4. configuration_type_update : configuration_type option;

    Describes updates to whether the application uses the default checkpointing behavior of Managed Service for Apache Flink. You must set this property to CUSTOM in order to set the CheckpointingEnabled, CheckpointInterval, or MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints parameters.

    If this value is set to DEFAULT, the application will use the following values, even if they are set to other values using APIs or application code:

    • CheckpointingEnabled: true
    • CheckpointInterval: 60000
    • MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints: 5000

Describes updates to the checkpointing parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type monitoring_configuration_update = {
  1. log_level_update : log_level option;

    Describes updates to the verbosity of the CloudWatch Logs for an application.

  2. metrics_level_update : metrics_level option;

    Describes updates to the granularity of the CloudWatch Logs for an application. The Parallelism level is not recommended for applications with a Parallelism over 64 due to excessive costs.

  3. configuration_type_update : configuration_type option;

    Describes updates to whether to use the default CloudWatch logging configuration for an application. You must set this property to CUSTOM in order to set the LogLevel or MetricsLevel parameters.


Describes updates to configuration parameters for Amazon CloudWatch logging for an application.

type parallelism_configuration_update = {
  1. auto_scaling_enabled_update : bool option;

    Describes updates to whether the Managed Service for Apache Flink service can increase the parallelism of a Managed Service for Apache Flink application in response to increased throughput.

  2. parallelism_per_kpu_update : int option;

    Describes updates to the number of parallel tasks an application can perform per Kinesis Processing Unit (KPU) used by the application.

  3. parallelism_update : int option;

    Describes updates to the initial number of parallel tasks an application can perform. If AutoScalingEnabled is set to True, then Managed Service for Apache Flink can increase the CurrentParallelism value in response to application load. The service can increase CurrentParallelism up to the maximum parallelism, which is ParalellismPerKPU times the maximum KPUs for the application. The maximum KPUs for an application is 32 by default, and can be increased by requesting a limit increase. If application load is reduced, the service will reduce CurrentParallelism down to the Parallelism setting.

  4. configuration_type_update : configuration_type option;

    Describes updates to whether the application uses the default parallelism for the Managed Service for Apache Flink service, or if a custom parallelism is used. You must set this property to CUSTOM in order to change your application's AutoScalingEnabled, Parallelism, or ParallelismPerKPU properties.


Describes updates to parameters for how an application executes multiple tasks simultaneously.

Describes updates to the configuration parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type environment_property_updates = {
  1. property_groups : property_group list;

    Describes updates to the execution property groups.


Describes updates to the execution property groups for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application or a Studio notebook.

type application_snapshot_configuration_update = {
  1. snapshots_enabled_update : bool;

    Describes updates to whether snapshots are enabled for an application.


Describes updates to whether snapshots are enabled for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type application_configuration_update = {
  1. zeppelin_application_configuration_update : zeppelin_application_configuration_update option;

    Updates to the configuration of a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

  2. vpc_configuration_updates : vpc_configuration_update list option;

    Updates to the array of descriptions of VPC configurations available to the application.

  3. application_snapshot_configuration_update : application_snapshot_configuration_update option;

    Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  4. environment_property_updates : environment_property_updates option;

    Describes updates to the environment properties for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  5. application_code_configuration_update : application_code_configuration_update option;

    Describes updates to an application's code configuration.

  6. sql_application_configuration_update : sql_application_configuration_update option;

    Describes updates to a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's configuration.


Describes updates to an application's configuration.

type run_configuration_update = {
  1. application_restore_configuration : application_restore_configuration option;

    Describes updates to the restore behavior of a restarting application.


Describes the updates to the starting parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type cloud_watch_logging_option_update = {
  1. log_stream_arn_update : string option;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch log to receive application messages.

  2. cloud_watch_logging_option_id : string;

    The ID of the CloudWatch logging option to update


Describes the Amazon CloudWatch logging option updates.

type update_application_request = {
  1. runtime_environment_update : runtime_environment option;

    Updates the Managed Service for Apache Flink runtime environment used to run your code. To avoid issues you must:

    • Ensure your new jar and dependencies are compatible with the new runtime selected.
    • Ensure your new code's state is compatible with the snapshot from which your application will start
  2. conditional_token : string option;

    A value you use to implement strong concurrency for application updates. You must provide the CurrentApplicationVersionId or the ConditionalToken. You get the application's current ConditionalToken using DescribeApplication. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.

  3. cloud_watch_logging_option_updates : cloud_watch_logging_option_update list option;

    Describes application Amazon CloudWatch logging option updates. You can only update existing CloudWatch logging options with this action. To add a new CloudWatch logging option, use AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption.

  4. run_configuration_update : run_configuration_update option;

    Describes updates to the application's starting parameters.

  5. service_execution_role_update : string option;

    Describes updates to the service execution role.

  6. application_configuration_update : application_configuration_update option;

    Describes application configuration updates.

  7. current_application_version_id : int option;

    The current application version ID. You must provide the CurrentApplicationVersionId or the ConditionalToken.You can retrieve the application version ID using DescribeApplication. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.

  8. application_name : string;

    The name of the application to update.

type update_application_maintenance_configuration_response = {
  1. application_maintenance_configuration_description : application_maintenance_configuration_description option;

    The application maintenance configuration description after the update.

  2. application_ar_n : string option;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.

type application_maintenance_configuration_update = {
  1. application_maintenance_window_start_time_update : string;

    The updated start time for the maintenance window.


Describes the updated maintenance configuration for the application.

type update_application_maintenance_configuration_request = {
  1. application_maintenance_configuration_update : application_maintenance_configuration_update;

    Describes the application maintenance configuration update.

  2. application_name : string;

    The name of the application for which you want to update the maintenance configuration.

type unsupported_operation_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

type resource_not_found_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

Specified application can't be found.

type resource_in_use_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

The application is not available for this operation.

type invalid_argument_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

The specified input parameter value is not valid.

type concurrent_modification_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modifications to an application. This error can be the result of attempting to modify an application without using the current application ID.

type limit_exceeded_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

The number of allowed resources has been exceeded.

type invalid_request_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

The request JSON is not valid for the operation.

type invalid_application_configuration_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

The user-provided application configuration is not valid.

type code_validation_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

The user-provided application code (query) is not valid. This can be a simple syntax error.

type untag_resource_response = unit
type untag_resource_request = {
  1. tag_keys : string list;

    A list of keys of tags to remove from the specified application.

  2. resource_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the Managed Service for Apache Flink application from which to remove the tags.

type too_many_tags_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

Application created with too many tags, or too many tags added to an application. Note that the maximum number of application tags includes system tags. The maximum number of user-defined application tags is 50.

type unable_to_detect_schema_exception = {
  1. processed_input_records : string list option;

    Stream data that was modified by the processor specified in the InputProcessingConfiguration parameter.

  2. raw_input_records : string list option;

    Raw stream data that was sampled to infer the schema.

  3. message : string option;

The data format is not valid. Kinesis Data Analytics cannot detect the schema for the given streaming source.

type tag = {
  1. value : string option;

    The value of the key-value tag. The value is optional.

  2. key : string;

    The key of the key-value tag.


A key-value pair (the value is optional) that you can define and assign to Amazon resources. If you specify a tag that already exists, the tag value is replaced with the value that you specify in the request. Note that the maximum number of application tags includes system tags. The maximum number of user-defined application tags is 50. For more information, see Using Tagging.

type tag_resource_response = unit
type tag_resource_request = {
  1. tags : tag list;

    The key-value tags to assign to the application.

  2. resource_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the application to assign the tags.

type stop_application_response = unit
type stop_application_request = {
  1. force : bool option;

    Set to true to force the application to stop. If you set Force to true, Managed Service for Apache Flink stops the application without taking a snapshot.

    Force-stopping your application may lead to data loss or duplication. To prevent data loss or duplicate processing of data during application restarts, we recommend you to take frequent snapshots of your application.

    You can only force stop a Managed Service for Apache Flink application. You can't force stop a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.

    The application must be in the STARTING, UPDATING, STOPPING, AUTOSCALING, or RUNNING status.

  2. application_name : string;

    The name of the running application to stop.

type start_application_response = unit
type sql_run_configuration = {
  1. input_starting_position_configuration : input_starting_position_configuration;

    The point at which you want the application to start processing records from the streaming source.

  2. input_id : string;

    The input source ID. You can get this ID by calling the DescribeApplication operation.


Describes the starting parameters for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.

type run_configuration = {
  1. application_restore_configuration : application_restore_configuration option;

    Describes the restore behavior of a restarting application.

  2. sql_run_configurations : sql_run_configuration list option;

    Describes the starting parameters for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application application.


Describes the starting parameters for an Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type start_application_request = {
  1. run_configuration : run_configuration option;

    Identifies the run configuration (start parameters) of a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  2. application_name : string;

    The name of the application.

type input_lambda_processor = {
  1. resource_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the Amazon Lambda function that operates on records in the stream.

    To specify an earlier version of the Lambda function than the latest, include the Lambda function version in the Lambda function ARN. For more information about Lambda ARNs, see Example ARNs: Amazon Lambda


An object that contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Lambda function that is used to preprocess records in the stream in a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.

type input_processing_configuration = {
  1. input_lambda_processor : input_lambda_processor;

    The InputLambdaProcessor that is used to preprocess the records in the stream before being processed by your application code.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes a processor that is used to preprocess the records in the stream before being processed by your application code. Currently, the only input processor available is Amazon Lambda.

type kinesis_streams_input = {
  1. resource_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the input Kinesis data stream to read.


Identifies a Kinesis data stream as the streaming source. You provide the stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

type kinesis_firehose_input = {
  1. resource_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delivery stream.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, identifies a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the streaming source. You provide the delivery stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

type input = {
  1. input_schema : source_schema;

    Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns in the in-application stream that is being created.

    Also used to describe the format of the reference data source.

  2. input_parallelism : input_parallelism option;

    Describes the number of in-application streams to create.

  3. kinesis_firehose_input : kinesis_firehose_input option;

    If the streaming source is an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream, identifies the delivery stream's ARN.

  4. kinesis_streams_input : kinesis_streams_input option;

    If the streaming source is an Amazon Kinesis data stream, identifies the stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

  5. input_processing_configuration : input_processing_configuration option;

    The InputProcessingConfiguration for the input. An input processor transforms records as they are received from the stream, before the application's SQL code executes. Currently, the only input processing configuration available is InputLambdaProcessor.

  6. name_prefix : string;

    The name prefix to use when creating an in-application stream. Suppose that you specify a prefix "MyInApplicationStream." Kinesis Data Analytics then creates one or more (as per the InputParallelism count you specified) in-application streams with the names "MyInApplicationStream_001," "MyInApplicationStream_002," and so on.


When you configure the application input for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, you specify the streaming source, the in-application stream name that is created, and the mapping between the two.

type kinesis_streams_output = {
  1. resource_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the destination Kinesis data stream to write to.


When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output, identifies a Kinesis data stream as the destination. You provide the stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

type kinesis_firehose_output = {
  1. resource_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the destination delivery stream to write to.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, when configuring application output, identifies a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the destination. You provide the stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delivery stream.

type lambda_output = {
  1. resource_ar_n : string;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination Lambda function to write to.

    To specify an earlier version of the Lambda function than the latest, include the Lambda function version in the Lambda function ARN. For more information about Lambda ARNs, see Example ARNs: Amazon Lambda


When you configure a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output, identifies an Amazon Lambda function as the destination. You provide the function Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function.

type output = {
  1. destination_schema : destination_schema;

    Describes the data format when records are written to the destination.

  2. lambda_output : lambda_output option;

    Identifies an Amazon Lambda function as the destination.

  3. kinesis_firehose_output : kinesis_firehose_output option;

    Identifies a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream as the destination.

  4. kinesis_streams_output : kinesis_streams_output option;

    Identifies a Kinesis data stream as the destination.

  5. name : string;

    The name of the in-application stream.


Describes a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application's output configuration, in which you identify an in-application stream and a destination where you want the in-application stream data to be written. The destination can be a Kinesis data stream or a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.

type s3_reference_data_source = {
  1. file_key : string option;

    The object key name containing the reference data.

  2. bucket_ar_n : string option;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, identifies the Amazon S3 bucket and object that contains the reference data.

A SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application loads reference data only once. If the data changes, you call the UpdateApplication operation to trigger reloading of data into your application.

type reference_data_source = {
  1. reference_schema : source_schema;

    Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.

  2. s3_reference_data_source : s3_reference_data_source option;

    Identifies the S3 bucket and object that contains the reference data. A SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application loads reference data only once. If the data changes, you call the UpdateApplication operation to trigger reloading of data into your application.

  3. table_name : string;

    The name of the in-application table to create.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, describes the reference data source by providing the source information (Amazon S3 bucket name and object key name), the resulting in-application table name that is created, and the necessary schema to map the data elements in the Amazon S3 object to the in-application table.

type sql_application_configuration = {
  1. reference_data_sources : reference_data_source list option;

    The array of ReferenceDataSource objects describing the reference data sources used by the application.

  2. outputs : output list option;

    The array of Output objects describing the destination streams used by the application.

  3. inputs : input list option;

    The array of Input objects describing the input streams used by the application.


Describes the inputs, outputs, and reference data sources for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.

type snapshot_status =
  1. | FAILED
  3. | READY
type snapshot_details = {
  1. runtime_environment : runtime_environment option;

    The Flink Runtime for the application snapshot.

  2. snapshot_creation_timestamp : float option;

    The timestamp of the application snapshot.

  3. application_version_id : int;

    The current application version ID when the snapshot was created.

  4. snapshot_status : snapshot_status;

    The status of the application snapshot.

  5. snapshot_name : string;

    The identifier for the application snapshot.


Provides details about a snapshot of application state.

type service_unavailable_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

The service cannot complete the request.

type s3_configuration = {
  1. file_key : string;

    The name of the object that contains the data.

  2. bucket_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the S3 bucket that contains the data.


For a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, provides a description of an Amazon S3 data source, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket and the name of the Amazon S3 object that contains the data.

type rollback_application_response = {
  1. application_detail : application_detail;
type rollback_application_request = {
  1. current_application_version_id : int;

    The current application version ID. You can retrieve the application version ID using DescribeApplication.

  2. application_name : string;

    The name of the application.

type resource_provisioned_throughput_exceeded_exception = {
  1. message : string option;

Discovery failed to get a record from the streaming source because of the Kinesis Streams ProvisionedThroughputExceededException. For more information, see GetRecords in the Amazon Kinesis Streams API Reference.

type parallelism_configuration = {
  1. auto_scaling_enabled : bool option;

    Describes whether the Managed Service for Apache Flink service can increase the parallelism of the application in response to increased throughput.

  2. parallelism_per_kp_u : int option;

    Describes the number of parallel tasks that a Managed Service for Apache Flink application can perform per Kinesis Processing Unit (KPU) used by the application. For more information about KPUs, see Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink Pricing.

  3. parallelism : int option;

    Describes the initial number of parallel tasks that a Managed Service for Apache Flink application can perform. If AutoScalingEnabled is set to True, Managed Service for Apache Flink increases the CurrentParallelism value in response to application load. The service can increase the CurrentParallelism value up to the maximum parallelism, which is ParalellismPerKPU times the maximum KPUs for the application. The maximum KPUs for an application is 32 by default, and can be increased by requesting a limit increase. If application load is reduced, the service can reduce the CurrentParallelism value down to the Parallelism setting.

  4. configuration_type : configuration_type;

    Describes whether the application uses the default parallelism for the Managed Service for Apache Flink service. You must set this property to CUSTOM in order to change your application's AutoScalingEnabled, Parallelism, or ParallelismPerKPU properties.


Describes parameters for how a Managed Service for Apache Flink application executes multiple tasks simultaneously. For more information about parallelism, see Parallel Execution in the Apache Flink Documentation.

type monitoring_configuration = {
  1. log_level : log_level option;

    Describes the verbosity of the CloudWatch Logs for an application.

  2. metrics_level : metrics_level option;

    Describes the granularity of the CloudWatch Logs for an application. The Parallelism level is not recommended for applications with a Parallelism over 64 due to excessive costs.

  3. configuration_type : configuration_type;

    Describes whether to use the default CloudWatch logging configuration for an application. You must set this property to CUSTOM in order to set the LogLevel or MetricsLevel parameters.


Describes configuration parameters for Amazon CloudWatch logging for an application. For more information about CloudWatch logging, see Monitoring.

type list_tags_for_resource_response = {
  1. tags : tag list option;

    The key-value tags assigned to the application.

type list_tags_for_resource_request = {
  1. resource_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the application for which to retrieve tags.

type application_summary = {
  1. application_mode : application_mode option;

    For a Managed Service for Apache Flink application, the mode is STREAMING. For a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook, it is INTERACTIVE.

  2. runtime_environment : runtime_environment;

    The runtime environment for the application.

  3. application_version_id : int;

    Provides the current application version.

  4. application_status : application_status;

    The status of the application.

  5. application_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the application.

  6. application_name : string;

    The name of the application.


Provides application summary information, including the application Amazon Resource Name (ARN), name, and status.

type list_applications_response = {
  1. next_token : string option;

    The pagination token for the next set of results, or null if there are no additional results. Pass this token into a subsequent command to retrieve the next set of items For more information about pagination, see Using the Amazon Command Line Interface's Pagination Options.

  2. application_summaries : application_summary list;

    A list of ApplicationSummary objects.

type list_applications_request = {
  1. next_token : string option;

    If a previous command returned a pagination token, pass it into this value to retrieve the next set of results. For more information about pagination, see Using the Amazon Command Line Interface's Pagination Options.

  2. limit : int option;

    The maximum number of applications to list.

type application_version_summary = {
  1. application_status : application_status;

    The status of the application.

  2. application_version_id : int;

    The ID of the application version. Managed Service for Apache Flink updates the ApplicationVersionId each time you update the application.


The summary of the application version.

type list_application_versions_response = {
  1. next_token : string option;

    The pagination token for the next set of results, or null if there are no additional results. To retrieve the next set of items, pass this token into a subsequent invocation of this operation. For more information about pagination, see Using the Amazon Command Line Interface's Pagination Options.

  2. application_version_summaries : application_version_summary list option;

    A list of the application versions and the associated configuration summaries. The list includes application versions that were rolled back.

    To get the complete description of a specific application version, invoke the DescribeApplicationVersion operation.

type list_application_versions_request = {
  1. next_token : string option;

    If a previous invocation of this operation returned a pagination token, pass it into this value to retrieve the next set of results. For more information about pagination, see Using the Amazon Command Line Interface's Pagination Options.

  2. limit : int option;

    The maximum number of versions to list in this invocation of the operation.

  3. application_name : string;

    The name of the application for which you want to list all versions.

type list_application_snapshots_response = {
  1. next_token : string option;

    The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no additional results.

  2. snapshot_summaries : snapshot_details list option;

    A collection of objects containing information about the application snapshots.

type list_application_snapshots_request = {
  1. next_token : string option;

    Use this parameter if you receive a NextToken response in a previous request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to the value of the previous call's NextToken response to indicate where the output should continue from.

  2. limit : int option;

    The maximum number of application snapshots to list.

  3. application_name : string;

    The name of an existing application.

type discover_input_schema_response = {
  1. raw_input_records : string list option;

    The raw stream data that was sampled to infer the schema.

  2. processed_input_records : string list option;

    The stream data that was modified by the processor specified in the InputProcessingConfiguration parameter.

  3. parsed_input_records : string list list option;

    An array of elements, where each element corresponds to a row in a stream record (a stream record can have more than one row).

  4. input_schema : source_schema option;

    The schema inferred from the streaming source. It identifies the format of the data in the streaming source and how each data element maps to corresponding columns in the in-application stream that you can create.

type discover_input_schema_request = {
  1. input_processing_configuration : input_processing_configuration option;

    The InputProcessingConfiguration to use to preprocess the records before discovering the schema of the records.

  2. s3_configuration : s3_configuration option;

    Specify this parameter to discover a schema from data in an Amazon S3 object.

  3. input_starting_position_configuration : input_starting_position_configuration option;

    The point at which you want Kinesis Data Analytics to start reading records from the specified streaming source for discovery purposes.

  4. service_execution_role : string;

    The ARN of the role that is used to access the streaming source.

  5. resource_ar_n : string option;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the streaming source.

type describe_application_version_response = {
  1. application_version_detail : application_detail option;
type describe_application_version_request = {
  1. application_version_id : int;

    The ID of the application version for which you want to get the description.

  2. application_name : string;

    The name of the application for which you want to get the version description.

type describe_application_snapshot_response = {
  1. snapshot_details : snapshot_details;

    An object containing information about the application snapshot.

type describe_application_snapshot_request = {
  1. snapshot_name : string;

    The identifier of an application snapshot. You can retrieve this value using .

  2. application_name : string;

    The name of an existing application.

type describe_application_response = {
  1. application_detail : application_detail;

    Provides a description of the application, such as the application's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), status, and latest version.

type describe_application_request = {
  1. include_additional_details : bool option;

    Displays verbose information about a Managed Service for Apache Flink application, including the application's job plan.

  2. application_name : string;

    The name of the application.

type delete_application_vpc_configuration_response = {
  1. application_version_id : int option;

    The updated version ID of the application.

  2. application_ar_n : string option;

    The ARN of the Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type delete_application_vpc_configuration_request = {
  1. conditional_token : string option;

    A value you use to implement strong concurrency for application updates. You must provide the CurrentApplicationVersionId or the ConditionalToken. You get the application's current ConditionalToken using DescribeApplication. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.

  2. vpc_configuration_id : string;

    The ID of the VPC configuration to delete.

  3. current_application_version_id : int option;

    The current application version ID. You must provide the CurrentApplicationVersionId or the ConditionalToken. You can retrieve the application version ID using DescribeApplication. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.

  4. application_name : string;

    The name of an existing application.

type delete_application_snapshot_response = unit
type delete_application_snapshot_request = {
  1. snapshot_creation_timestamp : float;

    The creation timestamp of the application snapshot to delete. You can retrieve this value using or .

  2. snapshot_name : string;

    The identifier for the snapshot delete.

  3. application_name : string;

    The name of an existing application.

type delete_application_reference_data_source_response = {
  1. application_version_id : int option;

    The updated version ID of the application.

  2. application_ar_n : string option;

    The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

type delete_application_reference_data_source_request = {
  1. reference_id : string;

    The ID of the reference data source. When you add a reference data source to your application using the AddApplicationReferenceDataSource, Kinesis Data Analytics assigns an ID. You can use the DescribeApplication operation to get the reference ID.

  2. current_application_version_id : int;

    The current application version. You can use the DescribeApplication operation to get the current application version. If the version specified is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.

  3. application_name : string;

    The name of an existing application.

type delete_application_output_response = {
  1. application_version_id : int option;

    The current application version ID.

  2. application_ar_n : string option;

    The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

type delete_application_output_request = {
  1. output_id : string;

    The ID of the configuration to delete. Each output configuration that is added to the application (either when the application is created or later) using the AddApplicationOutput operation has a unique ID. You need to provide the ID to uniquely identify the output configuration that you want to delete from the application configuration. You can use the DescribeApplication operation to get the specific OutputId.

  2. current_application_version_id : int;

    The application version. You can use the DescribeApplication operation to get the current application version. If the version specified is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.

  3. application_name : string;

    The application name.

type delete_application_input_processing_configuration_response = {
  1. application_version_id : int option;

    The current application version ID.

  2. application_ar_n : string option;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.

type delete_application_input_processing_configuration_request = {
  1. input_id : string;

    The ID of the input configuration from which to delete the input processing configuration. You can get a list of the input IDs for an application by using the DescribeApplication operation.

  2. current_application_version_id : int;

    The application version. You can use the DescribeApplication operation to get the current application version. If the version specified is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.

  3. application_name : string;

    The name of the application.

type delete_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_response = {
  1. cloud_watch_logging_option_descriptions : cloud_watch_logging_option_description list option;

    The descriptions of the remaining CloudWatch logging options for the application.

  2. application_version_id : int option;

    The version ID of the application. Kinesis Data Analytics updates the ApplicationVersionId each time you change the CloudWatch logging options.

  3. application_ar_n : string option;

    The application's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

type delete_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_request = {
  1. conditional_token : string option;

    A value you use to implement strong concurrency for application updates. You must provide the CurrentApplicationVersionId or the ConditionalToken. You get the application's current ConditionalToken using DescribeApplication. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.

  2. cloud_watch_logging_option_id : string;

    The CloudWatchLoggingOptionId of the Amazon CloudWatch logging option to delete. You can get the CloudWatchLoggingOptionId by using the DescribeApplication operation.

  3. current_application_version_id : int option;

    The version ID of the application. You must provide the CurrentApplicationVersionId or the ConditionalToken. You can retrieve the application version ID using DescribeApplication. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.

  4. application_name : string;

    The application name.

type delete_application_response = unit
type delete_application_request = {
  1. create_timestamp : float;

    Use the DescribeApplication operation to get this value.

  2. application_name : string;

    The name of the application to delete.

type create_application_snapshot_response = unit
type create_application_snapshot_request = {
  1. snapshot_name : string;

    An identifier for the application snapshot.

  2. application_name : string;

    The name of an existing application

type create_application_presigned_url_response = {
  1. authorized_url : string option;

    The URL of the extension.

type create_application_presigned_url_request = {
  1. session_expiration_duration_in_seconds : int option;

    The duration in seconds for which the returned URL will be valid.

  2. url_type : url_type;

    The type of the extension for which to create and return a URL. Currently, the only valid extension URL type is FLINK_DASHBOARD_URL.

  3. application_name : string;

    The name of the application.

type create_application_response = {
  1. application_detail : application_detail;

    In response to your CreateApplication request, Managed Service for Apache Flink returns a response with details of the application it created.

type checkpoint_configuration = {
  1. min_pause_between_checkpoints : int option;

    Describes the minimum time in milliseconds after a checkpoint operation completes that a new checkpoint operation can start. If a checkpoint operation takes longer than the CheckpointInterval, the application otherwise performs continual checkpoint operations. For more information, see Tuning Checkpointing in the Apache Flink Documentation.

    If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints value of 5000, even if this value is set using this API or in application code.

  2. checkpoint_interval : int option;

    Describes the interval in milliseconds between checkpoint operations.

    If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a CheckpointInterval value of 60000, even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code.

  3. checkpointing_enabled : bool option;

    Describes whether checkpointing is enabled for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

    If CheckpointConfiguration.ConfigurationType is DEFAULT, the application will use a CheckpointingEnabled value of true, even if this value is set to another value using this API or in application code.

  4. configuration_type : configuration_type;

    Describes whether the application uses Managed Service for Apache Flink' default checkpointing behavior. You must set this property to CUSTOM in order to set the CheckpointingEnabled, CheckpointInterval, or MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints parameters.

    If this value is set to DEFAULT, the application will use the following values, even if they are set to other values using APIs or application code:

    • CheckpointingEnabled: true
    • CheckpointInterval: 60000
    • MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints: 5000

Describes an application's checkpointing configuration. Checkpointing is the process of persisting application state for fault tolerance. For more information, see Checkpoints for Fault Tolerance in the Apache Flink Documentation.

Describes configuration parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application or a Studio notebook.

type environment_properties = {
  1. property_groups : property_group list;

    Describes the execution property groups.


Describes execution properties for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type code_content = {
  1. s3_content_location : s3_content_location option;

    Information about the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the application code.

  2. zip_file_content : bytes option;

    The zip-format code for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  3. text_content : string option;

    The text-format code for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.


Specifies either the application code, or the location of the application code, for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type application_code_configuration = {
  1. code_content_type : code_content_type;

    Specifies whether the code content is in text or zip format.

  2. code_content : code_content option;

    The location and type of the application code.


Describes code configuration for an application.

type application_snapshot_configuration = {
  1. snapshots_enabled : bool;

    Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.


Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type application_configuration = {
  1. zeppelin_application_configuration : zeppelin_application_configuration option;

    The configuration parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook.

  2. vpc_configurations : vpc_configuration list option;

    The array of descriptions of VPC configurations available to the application.

  3. application_snapshot_configuration : application_snapshot_configuration option;

    Describes whether snapshots are enabled for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  4. application_code_configuration : application_code_configuration option;

    The code location and type parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  5. environment_properties : environment_properties option;

    Describes execution properties for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

  6. sql_application_configuration : sql_application_configuration option;

    The creation and update parameters for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.


Specifies the creation parameters for a Managed Service for Apache Flink application.

type cloud_watch_logging_option = {
  1. log_stream_ar_n : string;

    The ARN of the CloudWatch log to receive application messages.


Provides a description of Amazon CloudWatch logging options, including the log stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

type create_application_request = {
  1. application_mode : application_mode option;

    Use the STREAMING mode to create a Managed Service for Apache Flink application. To create a Managed Service for Apache Flink Studio notebook, use the INTERACTIVE mode.

  2. tags : tag list option;

    A list of one or more tags to assign to the application. A tag is a key-value pair that identifies an application. Note that the maximum number of application tags includes system tags. The maximum number of user-defined application tags is 50. For more information, see Using Tagging.

  3. cloud_watch_logging_options : cloud_watch_logging_option list option;

    Use this parameter to configure an Amazon CloudWatch log stream to monitor application configuration errors.

  4. application_configuration : application_configuration option;

    Use this parameter to configure the application.

  5. service_execution_role : string;

    The IAM role used by the application to access Kinesis data streams, Kinesis Data Firehose delivery streams, Amazon S3 objects, and other external resources.

  6. runtime_environment : runtime_environment;

    The runtime environment for the application.

  7. application_description : string option;

    A summary description of the application.

  8. application_name : string;

    The name of your application (for example, sample-app).

type add_application_vpc_configuration_response = {
  1. vpc_configuration_description : vpc_configuration_description option;

    The parameters of the new VPC configuration.

  2. application_version_id : int option;

    Provides the current application version. Managed Service for Apache Flink updates the ApplicationVersionId each time you update the application.

  3. application_ar_n : string option;

    The ARN of the application.

type add_application_vpc_configuration_request = {
  1. conditional_token : string option;

    A value you use to implement strong concurrency for application updates. You must provide the ApplicationVersionID or the ConditionalToken. You get the application's current ConditionalToken using DescribeApplication. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.

  2. vpc_configuration : vpc_configuration;

    Description of the VPC to add to the application.

  3. current_application_version_id : int option;

    The version of the application to which you want to add the VPC configuration. You must provide the CurrentApplicationVersionId or the ConditionalToken. You can use the DescribeApplication operation to get the current application version. If the version specified is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.

  4. application_name : string;

    The name of an existing application.

type add_application_reference_data_source_response = {
  1. reference_data_source_descriptions : reference_data_source_description list option;

    Describes reference data sources configured for the application.

  2. application_version_id : int option;

    The updated application version ID. Kinesis Data Analytics increments this ID when the application is updated.

  3. application_ar_n : string option;

    The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

type add_application_reference_data_source_request = {
  1. reference_data_source : reference_data_source;

    The reference data source can be an object in your Amazon S3 bucket. Kinesis Data Analytics reads the object and copies the data into the in-application table that is created. You provide an S3 bucket, object key name, and the resulting in-application table that is created.

  2. current_application_version_id : int;

    The version of the application for which you are adding the reference data source. You can use the DescribeApplication operation to get the current application version. If the version specified is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.

  3. application_name : string;

    The name of an existing application.

type add_application_output_response = {
  1. output_descriptions : output_description list option;

    Describes the application output configuration. For more information, see Configuring Application Output.

  2. application_version_id : int option;

    The updated application version ID. Kinesis Data Analytics increments this ID when the application is updated.

  3. application_ar_n : string option;

    The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

type add_application_output_request = {
  1. output : output;

    An array of objects, each describing one output configuration. In the output configuration, you specify the name of an in-application stream, a destination (that is, a Kinesis data stream, a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream, or an Amazon Lambda function), and record the formation to use when writing to the destination.

  2. current_application_version_id : int;

    The version of the application to which you want to add the output configuration. You can use the DescribeApplication operation to get the current application version. If the version specified is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.

  3. application_name : string;

    The name of the application to which you want to add the output configuration.

type add_application_input_processing_configuration_response = {
  1. input_processing_configuration_description : input_processing_configuration_description option;

    The description of the preprocessor that executes on records in this input before the application's code is run.

  2. input_id : string option;

    The input ID that is associated with the application input. This is the ID that Kinesis Data Analytics assigns to each input configuration that you add to your application.

  3. application_version_id : int option;

    Provides the current application version.

  4. application_ar_n : string option;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.

type add_application_input_processing_configuration_request = {
  1. input_processing_configuration : input_processing_configuration;

    The InputProcessingConfiguration to add to the application.

  2. input_id : string;

    The ID of the input configuration to add the input processing configuration to. You can get a list of the input IDs for an application using the DescribeApplication operation.

  3. current_application_version_id : int;

    The version of the application to which you want to add the input processing configuration. You can use the DescribeApplication operation to get the current application version. If the version specified is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.

  4. application_name : string;

    The name of the application to which you want to add the input processing configuration.

type add_application_input_response = {
  1. input_descriptions : input_description list option;

    Describes the application input configuration.

  2. application_version_id : int option;

    Provides the current application version.

  3. application_ar_n : string option;

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.

type add_application_input_request = {
  1. input : input;

    The Input to add.

  2. current_application_version_id : int;

    The current version of your application. You must provide the ApplicationVersionID or the ConditionalToken.You can use the DescribeApplication operation to find the current application version.

  3. application_name : string;

    The name of your existing application to which you want to add the streaming source.

type add_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_response = {
  1. cloud_watch_logging_option_descriptions : cloud_watch_logging_option_description list option;

    The descriptions of the current CloudWatch logging options for the SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.

  2. application_version_id : int option;

    The new version ID of the SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. Kinesis Data Analytics updates the ApplicationVersionId each time you change the CloudWatch logging options.

  3. application_ar_n : string option;

    The application's ARN.

type add_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_request = {
  1. conditional_token : string option;

    A value you use to implement strong concurrency for application updates. You must provide the CurrentApplicationVersionId or the ConditionalToken. You get the application's current ConditionalToken using DescribeApplication. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.

  2. cloud_watch_logging_option : cloud_watch_logging_option;

    Provides the Amazon CloudWatch log stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

  3. current_application_version_id : int option;

    The version ID of the SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application. You must provide the CurrentApplicationVersionId or the ConditionalToken.You can retrieve the application version ID using DescribeApplication. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.

  4. application_name : string;

    The Kinesis Data Analytics application name.


Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink was previously known as Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink.

Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink is a fully managed service that you can use to process and analyze streaming data using Java, Python, SQL, or Scala. The service enables you to quickly author and run Java, SQL, or Scala code against streaming sources to perform time series analytics, feed real-time dashboards, and create real-time metrics.

type base_document = Smaws_Lib.Json.t


val make_zeppelin_monitoring_configuration_update : log_level_update:log_level -> unit -> zeppelin_monitoring_configuration_update
val make_zeppelin_monitoring_configuration_description : ?log_level:log_level -> unit -> zeppelin_monitoring_configuration_description
val make_zeppelin_monitoring_configuration : log_level:log_level -> unit -> zeppelin_monitoring_configuration
val make_glue_data_catalog_configuration_update : database_arn_update:string -> unit -> glue_data_catalog_configuration_update
val make_catalog_configuration_update : glue_data_catalog_configuration_update:glue_data_catalog_configuration_update -> unit -> catalog_configuration_update
val make_s3_content_base_location_update : ?base_path_update:string -> ?bucket_arn_update:string -> unit -> s3_content_base_location_update
val make_deploy_as_application_configuration_update : ?s3_content_location_update:s3_content_base_location_update -> unit -> deploy_as_application_configuration_update
val make_s3_content_location : ?object_version:string -> file_key:string -> bucket_ar_n:string -> unit -> s3_content_location

Create a s3_content_location type

val make_maven_reference : version:string -> artifact_id:string -> group_id:string -> unit -> maven_reference

Create a maven_reference type

val make_custom_artifact_configuration : ?maven_reference:maven_reference -> ?s3_content_location:s3_content_location -> artifact_type:artifact_type -> unit -> custom_artifact_configuration
val make_zeppelin_application_configuration_update : ?custom_artifacts_configuration_update:custom_artifact_configuration list -> ?deploy_as_application_configuration_update: deploy_as_application_configuration_update -> ?catalog_configuration_update:catalog_configuration_update -> ?monitoring_configuration_update:zeppelin_monitoring_configuration_update -> unit -> zeppelin_application_configuration_update
val make_glue_data_catalog_configuration_description : database_ar_n:string -> unit -> glue_data_catalog_configuration_description
val make_catalog_configuration_description : glue_data_catalog_configuration_description: glue_data_catalog_configuration_description -> unit -> catalog_configuration_description
val make_s3_content_base_location_description : ?base_path:string -> bucket_ar_n:string -> unit -> s3_content_base_location_description
val make_deploy_as_application_configuration_description : s3_content_location_description:s3_content_base_location_description -> unit -> deploy_as_application_configuration_description
val make_custom_artifact_configuration_description : ?maven_reference_description:maven_reference -> ?s3_content_location_description:s3_content_location -> ?artifact_type:artifact_type -> unit -> custom_artifact_configuration_description
val make_zeppelin_application_configuration_description : ?custom_artifacts_configuration_description: custom_artifact_configuration_description list -> ?deploy_as_application_configuration_description: deploy_as_application_configuration_description -> ?catalog_configuration_description:catalog_configuration_description -> monitoring_configuration_description: zeppelin_monitoring_configuration_description -> unit -> zeppelin_application_configuration_description
val make_glue_data_catalog_configuration : database_ar_n:string -> unit -> glue_data_catalog_configuration
val make_catalog_configuration : glue_data_catalog_configuration:glue_data_catalog_configuration -> unit -> catalog_configuration

Create a catalog_configuration type

val make_s3_content_base_location : ?base_path:string -> bucket_ar_n:string -> unit -> s3_content_base_location
val make_deploy_as_application_configuration : s3_content_location:s3_content_base_location -> unit -> deploy_as_application_configuration
val make_zeppelin_application_configuration : ?custom_artifacts_configuration:custom_artifact_configuration list -> ?deploy_as_application_configuration:deploy_as_application_configuration -> ?catalog_configuration:catalog_configuration -> ?monitoring_configuration:zeppelin_monitoring_configuration -> unit -> zeppelin_application_configuration
val make_vpc_configuration : security_group_ids:string list -> subnet_ids:string list -> unit -> vpc_configuration

Create a vpc_configuration type

val make_vpc_configuration_update : ?security_group_id_updates:string list -> ?subnet_id_updates:string list -> vpc_configuration_id:string -> unit -> vpc_configuration_update
val make_vpc_configuration_description : security_group_ids:string list -> subnet_ids:string list -> vpc_id:string -> vpc_configuration_id:string -> unit -> vpc_configuration_description
val make_input_lambda_processor_description : ?role_ar_n:string -> resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> input_lambda_processor_description
val make_input_processing_configuration_description : ?input_lambda_processor_description:input_lambda_processor_description -> unit -> input_processing_configuration_description
val make_kinesis_streams_input_description : ?role_ar_n:string -> resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> kinesis_streams_input_description
val make_kinesis_firehose_input_description : ?role_ar_n:string -> resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> kinesis_firehose_input_description
val make_json_mapping_parameters : record_row_path:string -> unit -> json_mapping_parameters
val make_csv_mapping_parameters : record_column_delimiter:string -> record_row_delimiter:string -> unit -> csv_mapping_parameters
val make_mapping_parameters : ?csv_mapping_parameters:csv_mapping_parameters -> ?json_mapping_parameters:json_mapping_parameters -> unit -> mapping_parameters

Create a mapping_parameters type

val make_record_format : ?mapping_parameters:mapping_parameters -> record_format_type:record_format_type -> unit -> record_format

Create a record_format type

val make_record_column : ?mapping:string -> sql_type:string -> name:string -> unit -> record_column

Create a record_column type

val make_source_schema : ?record_encoding:string -> record_columns:record_column list -> record_format:record_format -> unit -> source_schema

Create a source_schema type

val make_input_parallelism : ?count:int -> unit -> input_parallelism

Create a input_parallelism type

val make_input_starting_position_configuration : ?input_starting_position:input_starting_position -> unit -> input_starting_position_configuration
val make_input_description : ?input_starting_position_configuration:input_starting_position_configuration -> ?input_parallelism:input_parallelism -> ?input_schema:source_schema -> ?kinesis_firehose_input_description:kinesis_firehose_input_description -> ?kinesis_streams_input_description:kinesis_streams_input_description -> ?input_processing_configuration_description: input_processing_configuration_description -> ?in_app_stream_names:string list -> ?name_prefix:string -> ?input_id:string -> unit -> input_description

Create a input_description type

val make_kinesis_streams_output_description : ?role_ar_n:string -> resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> kinesis_streams_output_description
val make_kinesis_firehose_output_description : ?role_ar_n:string -> resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> kinesis_firehose_output_description
val make_lambda_output_description : ?role_ar_n:string -> resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> lambda_output_description
val make_destination_schema : record_format_type:record_format_type -> unit -> destination_schema

Create a destination_schema type

val make_output_description : ?destination_schema:destination_schema -> ?lambda_output_description:lambda_output_description -> ?kinesis_firehose_output_description:kinesis_firehose_output_description -> ?kinesis_streams_output_description:kinesis_streams_output_description -> ?name:string -> ?output_id:string -> unit -> output_description

Create a output_description type

val make_s3_reference_data_source_description : ?reference_role_ar_n:string -> file_key:string -> bucket_ar_n:string -> unit -> s3_reference_data_source_description
val make_reference_data_source_description : ?reference_schema:source_schema -> s3_reference_data_source_description:s3_reference_data_source_description -> table_name:string -> reference_id:string -> unit -> reference_data_source_description
val make_sql_application_configuration_description : ?reference_data_source_descriptions:reference_data_source_description list -> ?output_descriptions:output_description list -> ?input_descriptions:input_description list -> unit -> sql_application_configuration_description
val make_s3_application_code_location_description : ?object_version:string -> file_key:string -> bucket_ar_n:string -> unit -> s3_application_code_location_description
val make_code_content_description : ?s3_application_code_location_description: s3_application_code_location_description -> ?code_size:int -> ?code_m_d5:string -> ?text_content:string -> unit -> code_content_description
val make_application_code_configuration_description : ?code_content_description:code_content_description -> code_content_type:code_content_type -> unit -> application_code_configuration_description
val make_application_restore_configuration : ?snapshot_name:string -> application_restore_type:application_restore_type -> unit -> application_restore_configuration
val make_run_configuration_description : ?flink_run_configuration_description:flink_run_configuration -> ?application_restore_configuration_description: application_restore_configuration -> unit -> run_configuration_description
val make_checkpoint_configuration_description : ?min_pause_between_checkpoints:int -> ?checkpoint_interval:int -> ?checkpointing_enabled:bool -> ?configuration_type:configuration_type -> unit -> checkpoint_configuration_description
val make_monitoring_configuration_description : ?log_level:log_level -> ?metrics_level:metrics_level -> ?configuration_type:configuration_type -> unit -> monitoring_configuration_description
val make_parallelism_configuration_description : ?auto_scaling_enabled:bool -> ?current_parallelism:int -> ?parallelism_per_kp_u:int -> ?parallelism:int -> ?configuration_type:configuration_type -> unit -> parallelism_configuration_description
val make_property_group : property_map:(string * string) list -> property_group_id:string -> unit -> property_group

Create a property_group type

val make_environment_property_descriptions : ?property_group_descriptions:property_group list -> unit -> environment_property_descriptions
val make_application_snapshot_configuration_description : snapshots_enabled:bool -> unit -> application_snapshot_configuration_description
val make_application_configuration_description : ?zeppelin_application_configuration_description: zeppelin_application_configuration_description -> ?vpc_configuration_descriptions:vpc_configuration_description list -> ?application_snapshot_configuration_description: application_snapshot_configuration_description -> ?environment_property_descriptions:environment_property_descriptions -> ?flink_application_configuration_description: flink_application_configuration_description -> ?run_configuration_description:run_configuration_description -> ?application_code_configuration_description: application_code_configuration_description -> ?sql_application_configuration_description: sql_application_configuration_description -> unit -> application_configuration_description
val make_cloud_watch_logging_option_description : ?role_ar_n:string -> ?cloud_watch_logging_option_id:string -> log_stream_ar_n:string -> unit -> cloud_watch_logging_option_description
val make_application_maintenance_configuration_description : application_maintenance_window_end_time:string -> application_maintenance_window_start_time:string -> unit -> application_maintenance_configuration_description
val make_application_detail : ?application_mode:application_mode -> ?application_version_rolled_back_to:int -> ?conditional_token:string -> ?application_version_rolled_back_from:int -> ?application_version_updated_from:int -> ?application_maintenance_configuration_description: application_maintenance_configuration_description -> ?cloud_watch_logging_option_descriptions: cloud_watch_logging_option_description list -> ?application_configuration_description:application_configuration_description -> ?last_update_timestamp:float -> ?create_timestamp:float -> ?service_execution_role:string -> ?application_description:string -> application_version_id:int -> application_status:application_status -> runtime_environment:runtime_environment -> application_name:string -> application_ar_n:string -> unit -> application_detail

Create a application_detail type

val make_update_application_response : application_detail:application_detail -> unit -> update_application_response
val make_input_lambda_processor_update : resource_arn_update:string -> unit -> input_lambda_processor_update
val make_input_processing_configuration_update : input_lambda_processor_update:input_lambda_processor_update -> unit -> input_processing_configuration_update
val make_kinesis_streams_input_update : resource_arn_update:string -> unit -> kinesis_streams_input_update
val make_kinesis_firehose_input_update : resource_arn_update:string -> unit -> kinesis_firehose_input_update
val make_input_schema_update : ?record_column_updates:record_column list -> ?record_encoding_update:string -> ?record_format_update:record_format -> unit -> input_schema_update

Create a input_schema_update type

val make_input_parallelism_update : count_update:int -> unit -> input_parallelism_update
val make_input_update : ?input_parallelism_update:input_parallelism_update -> ?input_schema_update:input_schema_update -> ?kinesis_firehose_input_update:kinesis_firehose_input_update -> ?kinesis_streams_input_update:kinesis_streams_input_update -> ?input_processing_configuration_update:input_processing_configuration_update -> ?name_prefix_update:string -> input_id:string -> unit -> input_update

Create a input_update type

val make_kinesis_streams_output_update : resource_arn_update:string -> unit -> kinesis_streams_output_update
val make_kinesis_firehose_output_update : resource_arn_update:string -> unit -> kinesis_firehose_output_update
val make_lambda_output_update : resource_arn_update:string -> unit -> lambda_output_update

Create a lambda_output_update type

val make_output_update : ?destination_schema_update:destination_schema -> ?lambda_output_update:lambda_output_update -> ?kinesis_firehose_output_update:kinesis_firehose_output_update -> ?kinesis_streams_output_update:kinesis_streams_output_update -> ?name_update:string -> output_id:string -> unit -> output_update

Create a output_update type

val make_s3_reference_data_source_update : ?file_key_update:string -> ?bucket_arn_update:string -> unit -> s3_reference_data_source_update
val make_reference_data_source_update : ?reference_schema_update:source_schema -> ?s3_reference_data_source_update:s3_reference_data_source_update -> ?table_name_update:string -> reference_id:string -> unit -> reference_data_source_update
val make_sql_application_configuration_update : ?reference_data_source_updates:reference_data_source_update list -> ?output_updates:output_update list -> ?input_updates:input_update list -> unit -> sql_application_configuration_update
val make_s3_content_location_update : ?object_version_update:string -> ?file_key_update:string -> ?bucket_arn_update:string -> unit -> s3_content_location_update
val make_code_content_update : ?s3_content_location_update:s3_content_location_update -> ?zip_file_content_update:bytes -> ?text_content_update:string -> unit -> code_content_update

Create a code_content_update type

val make_application_code_configuration_update : ?code_content_update:code_content_update -> ?code_content_type_update:code_content_type -> unit -> application_code_configuration_update
val make_checkpoint_configuration_update : ?min_pause_between_checkpoints_update:int -> ?checkpoint_interval_update:int -> ?checkpointing_enabled_update:bool -> ?configuration_type_update:configuration_type -> unit -> checkpoint_configuration_update
val make_monitoring_configuration_update : ?log_level_update:log_level -> ?metrics_level_update:metrics_level -> ?configuration_type_update:configuration_type -> unit -> monitoring_configuration_update
val make_parallelism_configuration_update : ?auto_scaling_enabled_update:bool -> ?parallelism_per_kpu_update:int -> ?parallelism_update:int -> ?configuration_type_update:configuration_type -> unit -> parallelism_configuration_update
val make_environment_property_updates : property_groups:property_group list -> unit -> environment_property_updates
val make_application_snapshot_configuration_update : snapshots_enabled_update:bool -> unit -> application_snapshot_configuration_update
val make_application_configuration_update : ?zeppelin_application_configuration_update: zeppelin_application_configuration_update -> ?vpc_configuration_updates:vpc_configuration_update list -> ?application_snapshot_configuration_update: application_snapshot_configuration_update -> ?environment_property_updates:environment_property_updates -> ?flink_application_configuration_update: flink_application_configuration_update -> ?application_code_configuration_update:application_code_configuration_update -> ?sql_application_configuration_update:sql_application_configuration_update -> unit -> application_configuration_update
val make_run_configuration_update : ?application_restore_configuration:application_restore_configuration -> ?flink_run_configuration:flink_run_configuration -> unit -> run_configuration_update
val make_cloud_watch_logging_option_update : ?log_stream_arn_update:string -> cloud_watch_logging_option_id:string -> unit -> cloud_watch_logging_option_update
val make_update_application_request : ?runtime_environment_update:runtime_environment -> ?conditional_token:string -> ?cloud_watch_logging_option_updates:cloud_watch_logging_option_update list -> ?run_configuration_update:run_configuration_update -> ?service_execution_role_update:string -> ?application_configuration_update:application_configuration_update -> ?current_application_version_id:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> update_application_request
val make_update_application_maintenance_configuration_response : ?application_maintenance_configuration_description: application_maintenance_configuration_description -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> update_application_maintenance_configuration_response
val make_application_maintenance_configuration_update : application_maintenance_window_start_time_update:string -> unit -> application_maintenance_configuration_update
val make_update_application_maintenance_configuration_request : application_maintenance_configuration_update: application_maintenance_configuration_update -> application_name:string -> unit -> update_application_maintenance_configuration_request
val make_untag_resource_response : unit -> untag_resource_response
val make_untag_resource_request : tag_keys:string list -> resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> untag_resource_request
val make_tag : ?value:string -> key:string -> unit -> tag

Create a tag type

val make_tag_resource_response : unit -> tag_resource_response

Create a tag_resource_response type

val make_tag_resource_request : tags:tag list -> resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> tag_resource_request

Create a tag_resource_request type

val make_stop_application_response : unit -> stop_application_response
val make_stop_application_request : ?force:bool -> application_name:string -> unit -> stop_application_request
val make_start_application_response : unit -> start_application_response
val make_sql_run_configuration : input_starting_position_configuration:input_starting_position_configuration -> input_id:string -> unit -> sql_run_configuration

Create a sql_run_configuration type

val make_run_configuration : ?application_restore_configuration:application_restore_configuration -> ?sql_run_configurations:sql_run_configuration list -> ?flink_run_configuration:flink_run_configuration -> unit -> run_configuration

Create a run_configuration type

val make_start_application_request : ?run_configuration:run_configuration -> application_name:string -> unit -> start_application_request
val make_input_lambda_processor : resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> input_lambda_processor
val make_input_processing_configuration : input_lambda_processor:input_lambda_processor -> unit -> input_processing_configuration
val make_kinesis_streams_input : resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> kinesis_streams_input

Create a kinesis_streams_input type

val make_kinesis_firehose_input : resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> kinesis_firehose_input
val make_input : ?input_parallelism:input_parallelism -> ?kinesis_firehose_input:kinesis_firehose_input -> ?kinesis_streams_input:kinesis_streams_input -> ?input_processing_configuration:input_processing_configuration -> input_schema:source_schema -> name_prefix:string -> unit -> input

Create a input type

val make_kinesis_streams_output : resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> kinesis_streams_output
val make_kinesis_firehose_output : resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> kinesis_firehose_output
val make_lambda_output : resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> lambda_output

Create a lambda_output type

val make_output : ?lambda_output:lambda_output -> ?kinesis_firehose_output:kinesis_firehose_output -> ?kinesis_streams_output:kinesis_streams_output -> destination_schema:destination_schema -> name:string -> unit -> output

Create a output type

val make_s3_reference_data_source : ?file_key:string -> ?bucket_ar_n:string -> unit -> s3_reference_data_source
val make_reference_data_source : ?s3_reference_data_source:s3_reference_data_source -> reference_schema:source_schema -> table_name:string -> unit -> reference_data_source

Create a reference_data_source type

val make_sql_application_configuration : ?reference_data_sources:reference_data_source list -> ?outputs:output list -> ?inputs:input list -> unit -> sql_application_configuration
val make_snapshot_details : ?runtime_environment:runtime_environment -> ?snapshot_creation_timestamp:float -> application_version_id:int -> snapshot_status:snapshot_status -> snapshot_name:string -> unit -> snapshot_details

Create a snapshot_details type

val make_s3_configuration : file_key:string -> bucket_ar_n:string -> unit -> s3_configuration

Create a s3_configuration type

val make_rollback_application_response : application_detail:application_detail -> unit -> rollback_application_response
val make_rollback_application_request : current_application_version_id:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> rollback_application_request
val make_parallelism_configuration : ?auto_scaling_enabled:bool -> ?parallelism_per_kp_u:int -> ?parallelism:int -> configuration_type:configuration_type -> unit -> parallelism_configuration
val make_monitoring_configuration : ?log_level:log_level -> ?metrics_level:metrics_level -> configuration_type:configuration_type -> unit -> monitoring_configuration
val make_list_tags_for_resource_response : ?tags:tag list -> unit -> list_tags_for_resource_response
val make_list_tags_for_resource_request : resource_ar_n:string -> unit -> list_tags_for_resource_request
val make_application_summary : ?application_mode:application_mode -> runtime_environment:runtime_environment -> application_version_id:int -> application_status:application_status -> application_ar_n:string -> application_name:string -> unit -> application_summary

Create a application_summary type

val make_list_applications_response : ?next_token:string -> application_summaries:application_summary list -> unit -> list_applications_response
val make_list_applications_request : ?next_token:string -> ?limit:int -> unit -> list_applications_request
val make_application_version_summary : application_status:application_status -> application_version_id:int -> unit -> application_version_summary
val make_list_application_versions_response : ?next_token:string -> ?application_version_summaries:application_version_summary list -> unit -> list_application_versions_response
val make_list_application_versions_request : ?next_token:string -> ?limit:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> list_application_versions_request
val make_list_application_snapshots_response : ?next_token:string -> ?snapshot_summaries:snapshot_details list -> unit -> list_application_snapshots_response
val make_list_application_snapshots_request : ?next_token:string -> ?limit:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> list_application_snapshots_request
val make_discover_input_schema_response : ?raw_input_records:string list -> ?processed_input_records:string list -> ?parsed_input_records:string list list -> ?input_schema:source_schema -> unit -> discover_input_schema_response
val make_discover_input_schema_request : ?input_processing_configuration:input_processing_configuration -> ?s3_configuration:s3_configuration -> ?input_starting_position_configuration:input_starting_position_configuration -> ?resource_ar_n:string -> service_execution_role:string -> unit -> discover_input_schema_request
val make_describe_application_version_response : ?application_version_detail:application_detail -> unit -> describe_application_version_response
val make_describe_application_version_request : application_version_id:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> describe_application_version_request
val make_describe_application_snapshot_response : snapshot_details:snapshot_details -> unit -> describe_application_snapshot_response
val make_describe_application_snapshot_request : snapshot_name:string -> application_name:string -> unit -> describe_application_snapshot_request
val make_describe_application_response : application_detail:application_detail -> unit -> describe_application_response
val make_describe_application_request : ?include_additional_details:bool -> application_name:string -> unit -> describe_application_request
val make_delete_application_vpc_configuration_response : ?application_version_id:int -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> delete_application_vpc_configuration_response
val make_delete_application_vpc_configuration_request : ?conditional_token:string -> ?current_application_version_id:int -> vpc_configuration_id:string -> application_name:string -> unit -> delete_application_vpc_configuration_request
val make_delete_application_snapshot_response : unit -> delete_application_snapshot_response
val make_delete_application_snapshot_request : snapshot_creation_timestamp:float -> snapshot_name:string -> application_name:string -> unit -> delete_application_snapshot_request
val make_delete_application_reference_data_source_response : ?application_version_id:int -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> delete_application_reference_data_source_response
val make_delete_application_reference_data_source_request : reference_id:string -> current_application_version_id:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> delete_application_reference_data_source_request
val make_delete_application_output_response : ?application_version_id:int -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> delete_application_output_response
val make_delete_application_output_request : output_id:string -> current_application_version_id:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> delete_application_output_request
val make_delete_application_input_processing_configuration_response : ?application_version_id:int -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> delete_application_input_processing_configuration_response
val make_delete_application_input_processing_configuration_request : input_id:string -> current_application_version_id:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> delete_application_input_processing_configuration_request
val make_delete_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_response : ?cloud_watch_logging_option_descriptions: cloud_watch_logging_option_description list -> ?application_version_id:int -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> delete_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_response
val make_delete_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_request : ?conditional_token:string -> ?current_application_version_id:int -> cloud_watch_logging_option_id:string -> application_name:string -> unit -> delete_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_request
val make_delete_application_response : unit -> delete_application_response
val make_delete_application_request : create_timestamp:float -> application_name:string -> unit -> delete_application_request
val make_create_application_snapshot_response : unit -> create_application_snapshot_response
val make_create_application_snapshot_request : snapshot_name:string -> application_name:string -> unit -> create_application_snapshot_request
val make_create_application_presigned_url_response : ?authorized_url:string -> unit -> create_application_presigned_url_response
val make_create_application_presigned_url_request : ?session_expiration_duration_in_seconds:int -> url_type:url_type -> application_name:string -> unit -> create_application_presigned_url_request
val make_create_application_response : application_detail:application_detail -> unit -> create_application_response
val make_checkpoint_configuration : ?min_pause_between_checkpoints:int -> ?checkpoint_interval:int -> ?checkpointing_enabled:bool -> configuration_type:configuration_type -> unit -> checkpoint_configuration
val make_environment_properties : property_groups:property_group list -> unit -> environment_properties
val make_code_content : ?s3_content_location:s3_content_location -> ?zip_file_content:bytes -> ?text_content:string -> unit -> code_content

Create a code_content type

val make_application_code_configuration : ?code_content:code_content -> code_content_type:code_content_type -> unit -> application_code_configuration
val make_application_snapshot_configuration : snapshots_enabled:bool -> unit -> application_snapshot_configuration
val make_application_configuration : ?zeppelin_application_configuration:zeppelin_application_configuration -> ?vpc_configurations:vpc_configuration list -> ?application_snapshot_configuration:application_snapshot_configuration -> ?application_code_configuration:application_code_configuration -> ?environment_properties:environment_properties -> ?flink_application_configuration:flink_application_configuration -> ?sql_application_configuration:sql_application_configuration -> unit -> application_configuration
val make_cloud_watch_logging_option : log_stream_ar_n:string -> unit -> cloud_watch_logging_option
val make_create_application_request : ?application_mode:application_mode -> ?tags:tag list -> ?cloud_watch_logging_options:cloud_watch_logging_option list -> ?application_configuration:application_configuration -> ?application_description:string -> service_execution_role:string -> runtime_environment:runtime_environment -> application_name:string -> unit -> create_application_request
val make_add_application_vpc_configuration_response : ?vpc_configuration_description:vpc_configuration_description -> ?application_version_id:int -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> add_application_vpc_configuration_response
val make_add_application_vpc_configuration_request : ?conditional_token:string -> ?current_application_version_id:int -> vpc_configuration:vpc_configuration -> application_name:string -> unit -> add_application_vpc_configuration_request
val make_add_application_reference_data_source_response : ?reference_data_source_descriptions:reference_data_source_description list -> ?application_version_id:int -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> add_application_reference_data_source_response
val make_add_application_reference_data_source_request : reference_data_source:reference_data_source -> current_application_version_id:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> add_application_reference_data_source_request
val make_add_application_output_response : ?output_descriptions:output_description list -> ?application_version_id:int -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> add_application_output_response
val make_add_application_output_request : output:output -> current_application_version_id:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> add_application_output_request
val make_add_application_input_processing_configuration_response : ?input_processing_configuration_description: input_processing_configuration_description -> ?input_id:string -> ?application_version_id:int -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> add_application_input_processing_configuration_response
val make_add_application_input_processing_configuration_request : input_processing_configuration:input_processing_configuration -> input_id:string -> current_application_version_id:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> add_application_input_processing_configuration_request
val make_add_application_input_response : ?input_descriptions:input_description list -> ?application_version_id:int -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> add_application_input_response
val make_add_application_input_request : input:input -> current_application_version_id:int -> application_name:string -> unit -> add_application_input_request
val make_add_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_response : ?cloud_watch_logging_option_descriptions: cloud_watch_logging_option_description list -> ?application_version_id:int -> ?application_ar_n:string -> unit -> add_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_response
val make_add_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_request : ?conditional_token:string -> ?current_application_version_id:int -> cloud_watch_logging_option:cloud_watch_logging_option -> application_name:string -> unit -> add_application_cloud_watch_logging_option_request


module AddApplicationInput : sig ... end
module AddApplicationOutput : sig ... end
module AddApplicationVpcConfiguration : sig ... end
module CreateApplication : sig ... end
module CreateApplicationPresignedUrl : sig ... end
module CreateApplicationSnapshot : sig ... end
module DeleteApplication : sig ... end
module DeleteApplicationOutput : sig ... end
module DeleteApplicationSnapshot : sig ... end
module DescribeApplication : sig ... end
module DescribeApplicationSnapshot : sig ... end
module DescribeApplicationVersion : sig ... end
module DiscoverInputSchema : sig ... end
module ListApplicationSnapshots : sig ... end
module ListApplicationVersions : sig ... end
module ListApplications : sig ... end
module ListTagsForResource : sig ... end
module RollbackApplication : sig ... end
module StartApplication : sig ... end
module StopApplication : sig ... end
module TagResource : sig ... end
module UntagResource : sig ... end
module UpdateApplication : sig ... end