Module Smaws_Client_Lightsail.GetBlueprints

val request : Smaws_Lib.Context.t -> get_blueprints_request -> (get_blueprints_result, [> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error | `AccessDeniedException of access_denied_exception | `AccountSetupInProgressException of account_setup_in_progress_exception | `InvalidInputException of invalid_input_exception | `NotFoundException of not_found_exception | `OperationFailureException of operation_failure_exception | `ServiceException of service_exception | `UnauthenticatedException of unauthenticated_exception ]) Stdlib.result

Returns the list of available instance images, or blueprints. You can use a blueprint to create a new instance already running a specific operating system, as well as a preinstalled app or development stack. The software each instance is running depends on the blueprint image you choose.

Use active blueprints when creating new instances. Inactive blueprints are listed to support customers with existing instances and are not necessarily available to create new instances. Blueprints are marked inactive when they become outdated due to operating system updates or new application releases.