Module Smaws_Client_Lightsail.GetBundles

val request : Smaws_Lib.Context.t -> get_bundles_request -> (get_bundles_result, [> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error | `AccessDeniedException of access_denied_exception | `AccountSetupInProgressException of account_setup_in_progress_exception | `InvalidInputException of invalid_input_exception | `NotFoundException of not_found_exception | `OperationFailureException of operation_failure_exception | `ServiceException of service_exception | `UnauthenticatedException of unauthenticated_exception ]) Stdlib.result

Returns the bundles that you can apply to an Amazon Lightsail instance when you create it.

A bundle describes the specifications of an instance, such as the monthly cost, amount of memory, the number of vCPUs, amount of storage space, and monthly network data transfer quota.

Bundles are referred to as instance plans in the Lightsail console.