Module Smaws_Client_Lightsail.GetExportSnapshotRecords

val request : Smaws_Lib.Context.t -> get_export_snapshot_records_request -> (get_export_snapshot_records_result, [> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error | `AccessDeniedException of access_denied_exception | `AccountSetupInProgressException of account_setup_in_progress_exception | `InvalidInputException of invalid_input_exception | `NotFoundException of not_found_exception | `OperationFailureException of operation_failure_exception | `ServiceException of service_exception | `UnauthenticatedException of unauthenticated_exception ]) Stdlib.result

Returns all export snapshot records created as a result of the export snapshot operation.

An export snapshot record can be used to create a new Amazon EC2 instance and its related resources with the CreateCloudFormationStack action.