val request :
Smaws_Lib.Context.t ->
create_service_template_input ->
[> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error
| `AccessDeniedException of access_denied_exception
| `ConflictException of conflict_exception
| `InternalServerException of internal_server_exception
| `ServiceQuotaExceededException of service_quota_exceeded_exception
| `ThrottlingException of throttling_exception
| `ValidationException of validation_exception ])
Create a service template. The administrator creates a service template to define standardized infrastructure and an optional CI/CD service pipeline. Developers, in turn, select the service template from Proton. If the selected service template includes a service pipeline definition, they provide a link to their source code repository. Proton then deploys and manages the infrastructure defined by the selected service template. For more information, see Proton templates in the Proton User Guide.