Module Smaws_Client_SFN.RedriveExecution

val request : Smaws_Lib.Context.t -> redrive_execution_input -> (redrive_execution_output, [> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error | `ExecutionDoesNotExist of execution_does_not_exist | `ExecutionLimitExceeded of execution_limit_exceeded | `ExecutionNotRedrivable of execution_not_redrivable | `InvalidArn of invalid_arn | `ValidationException of validation_exception ]) Stdlib.result

Restarts unsuccessful executions of Standard workflows that didn't complete successfully in the last 14 days. These include failed, aborted, or timed out executions. When you redrive an execution, it continues the failed execution from the unsuccessful step and uses the same input. Step Functions preserves the results and execution history of the successful steps, and doesn't rerun these steps when you redrive an execution. Redriven executions use the same state machine definition and execution ARN as the original execution attempt.

For workflows that include an Inline Map or Parallel state, RedriveExecution API action reschedules and redrives only the iterations and branches that failed or aborted.

To redrive a workflow that includes a Distributed Map state whose Map Run failed, you must redrive the parent workflow. The parent workflow redrives all the unsuccessful states, including a failed Map Run. If a Map Run was not started in the original execution attempt, the redriven parent workflow starts the Map Run.

This API action is not supported by EXPRESS state machines.

However, you can restart the unsuccessful executions of Express child workflows in a Distributed Map by redriving its Map Run. When you redrive a Map Run, the Express child workflows are rerun using the StartExecution API action. For more information, see Redriving Map Runs.

You can redrive executions if your original execution meets the following conditions:

  • The execution status isn't SUCCEEDED.
  • Your workflow execution has not exceeded the redrivable period of 14 days. Redrivable period refers to the time during which you can redrive a given execution. This period starts from the day a state machine completes its execution.
  • The workflow execution has not exceeded the maximum open time of one year. For more information about state machine quotas, see Quotas related to state machine executions.
  • The execution event history count is less than 24,999. Redriven executions append their event history to the existing event history. Make sure your workflow execution contains less than 24,999 events to accommodate the ExecutionRedriven history event and at least one other history event.