val request :
Smaws_Lib.Context.t ->
start_sync_execution_input ->
[> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error
| `InvalidArn of invalid_arn
| `InvalidExecutionInput of invalid_execution_input
| `InvalidName of invalid_name
| `StateMachineDeleting of state_machine_deleting
| `StateMachineDoesNotExist of state_machine_does_not_exist
| `StateMachineTypeNotSupported of state_machine_type_not_supported ])
Starts a Synchronous Express state machine execution. StartSyncExecution
is not available for STANDARD
will return a 200 OK
response, even if your execution fails, because the status code in the API response doesn't reflect function errors. Error codes are reserved for errors that prevent your execution from running, such as permissions errors, limit errors, or issues with your state machine code and configuration.
This API action isn't logged in CloudTrail.