Module Smaws_Client_SSM.PutComplianceItems

val request : Smaws_Lib.Context.t -> put_compliance_items_request -> (put_compliance_items_result, [> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error | `ComplianceTypeCountLimitExceededException of compliance_type_count_limit_exceeded_exception | `InternalServerError of internal_server_error | `InvalidItemContentException of invalid_item_content_exception | `InvalidResourceId of invalid_resource_id | `InvalidResourceType of invalid_resource_type | `ItemSizeLimitExceededException of item_size_limit_exceeded_exception | `TotalSizeLimitExceededException of total_size_limit_exceeded_exception ]) Stdlib.result

Registers a compliance type and other compliance details on a designated resource. This operation lets you register custom compliance details with a resource. This call overwrites existing compliance information on the resource, so you must provide a full list of compliance items each time that you send the request.

ComplianceType can be one of the following:

  • ExecutionId: The execution ID when the patch, association, or custom compliance item was applied.
  • ExecutionType: Specify patch, association, or Custom:string.
  • ExecutionTime. The time the patch, association, or custom compliance item was applied to the managed node.
  • Id: The patch, association, or custom compliance ID.
  • Title: A title.
  • Status: The status of the compliance item. For example, approved for patches, or Failed for associations.
  • Severity: A patch severity. For example, Critical.
  • DocumentName: An SSM document name. For example, AWS-RunPatchBaseline.
  • DocumentVersion: An SSM document version number. For example, 4.
  • Classification: A patch classification. For example, security updates.
  • PatchBaselineId: A patch baseline ID.
  • PatchSeverity: A patch severity. For example, Critical.
  • PatchState: A patch state. For example, InstancesWithFailedPatches.
  • PatchGroup: The name of a patch group.
  • InstalledTime: The time the association, patch, or custom compliance item was applied to the resource. Specify the time by using the following format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'