Module Smaws_Client_Transcribe.DescribeLanguageModel

val request : Smaws_Lib.Context.t -> describe_language_model_request -> (describe_language_model_response, [> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error | `BadRequestException of bad_request_exception | `InternalFailureException of internal_failure_exception | `LimitExceededException of limit_exceeded_exception | `NotFoundException of not_found_exception ]) Stdlib.result

Provides information about the specified custom language model.

This operation also shows if the base language model that you used to create your custom language model has been updated. If Amazon Transcribe has updated the base model, you can create a new custom language model using the updated base model.

If you tried to create a new custom language model and the request wasn't successful, you can use DescribeLanguageModel to help identify the reason for this failure.