Module Smaws_Client_Transcribe.StartTranscriptionJob

val request : Smaws_Lib.Context.t -> start_transcription_job_request -> (start_transcription_job_response, [> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error | `BadRequestException of bad_request_exception | `ConflictException of conflict_exception | `InternalFailureException of internal_failure_exception | `LimitExceededException of limit_exceeded_exception ]) Stdlib.result

Transcribes the audio from a media file and applies any additional Request Parameters you choose to include in your request.

To make a StartTranscriptionJob request, you must first upload your media file into an Amazon S3 bucket; you can then specify the Amazon S3 location of the file using the Media parameter.

You must include the following parameters in your StartTranscriptionJob request:

  • region: The Amazon Web Services Region where you are making your request. For a list of Amazon Web Services Regions supported with Amazon Transcribe, refer to Amazon Transcribe endpoints and quotas.
  • TranscriptionJobName: A custom name you create for your transcription job that is unique within your Amazon Web Services account.
  • Media (MediaFileUri): The Amazon S3 location of your media file.
  • One of LanguageCode, IdentifyLanguage, or IdentifyMultipleLanguages: If you know the language of your media file, specify it using the LanguageCode parameter; you can find all valid language codes in the Supported languages table. If you do not know the languages spoken in your media, use either IdentifyLanguage or IdentifyMultipleLanguages and let Amazon Transcribe identify the languages for you.