Module Smaws_Client_WAFV2.DeleteWebACL

val request : Smaws_Lib.Context.t -> delete_web_acl_request -> (delete_web_acl_response, [> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error | `WAFAssociatedItemException of waf_associated_item_exception | `WAFInternalErrorException of waf_internal_error_exception | `WAFInvalidOperationException of waf_invalid_operation_exception | `WAFInvalidParameterException of waf_invalid_parameter_exception | `WAFNonexistentItemException of waf_nonexistent_item_exception | `WAFOptimisticLockException of waf_optimistic_lock_exception | `WAFTagOperationException of waf_tag_operation_exception | `WAFTagOperationInternalErrorException of waf_tag_operation_internal_error_exception ]) Stdlib.result

Deletes the specified WebACL.

You can only use this if ManagedByFirewallManager is false in the specified WebACL.

Before deleting any web ACL, first disassociate it from all resources.

  • To retrieve a list of the resources that are associated with a web ACL, use the following calls:

    • For regional resources, call ListResourcesForWebACL.
    • For Amazon CloudFront distributions, use the CloudFront call ListDistributionsByWebACLId. For information, see ListDistributionsByWebACLId in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.
  • To disassociate a resource from a web ACL, use the following calls:

    • For regional resources, call DisassociateWebACL.
    • For Amazon CloudFront distributions, provide an empty web ACL ID in the CloudFront call UpdateDistribution. For information, see UpdateDistribution in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference.