val request :
Smaws_Lib.Context.t ->
get_rate_based_statement_managed_keys_request ->
[> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error
| `WAFInternalErrorException of waf_internal_error_exception
| `WAFInvalidOperationException of waf_invalid_operation_exception
| `WAFInvalidParameterException of waf_invalid_parameter_exception
| `WAFNonexistentItemException of waf_nonexistent_item_exception
| `WAFUnsupportedAggregateKeyTypeException of
waf_unsupported_aggregate_key_type_exception ])
Retrieves the IP addresses that are currently blocked by a rate-based rule instance. This is only available for rate-based rules that aggregate solely on the IP address or on the forwarded IP address.
The maximum number of addresses that can be blocked for a single rate-based rule instance is 10,000. If more than 10,000 addresses exceed the rate limit, those with the highest rates are blocked.
For a rate-based rule that you've defined inside a rule group, provide the name of the rule group reference statement in your request, in addition to the rate-based rule name and the web ACL name.
WAF monitors web requests and manages keys independently for each unique combination of web ACL, optional rule group, and rate-based rule. For example, if you define a rate-based rule inside a rule group, and then use the rule group in a web ACL, WAF monitors web requests and manages keys for that web ACL, rule group reference statement, and rate-based rule instance. If you use the same rule group in a second web ACL, WAF monitors web requests and manages keys for this second usage completely independent of your first.