Module Smaws_Client_WAFV2.UpdateRuleGroup

val request : Smaws_Lib.Context.t -> update_rule_group_request -> (update_rule_group_response, [> Smaws_Lib.Protocols.AwsJson.error | `WAFConfigurationWarningException of waf_configuration_warning_exception | `WAFDuplicateItemException of waf_duplicate_item_exception | `WAFInternalErrorException of waf_internal_error_exception | `WAFInvalidOperationException of waf_invalid_operation_exception | `WAFInvalidParameterException of waf_invalid_parameter_exception | `WAFLimitsExceededException of waf_limits_exceeded_exception | `WAFNonexistentItemException of waf_nonexistent_item_exception | `WAFOptimisticLockException of waf_optimistic_lock_exception | `WAFSubscriptionNotFoundException of waf_subscription_not_found_exception | `WAFUnavailableEntityException of waf_unavailable_entity_exception ]) Stdlib.result

Updates the specified RuleGroup.

This operation completely replaces the mutable specifications that you already have for the rule group with the ones that you provide to this call.

To modify a rule group, do the following:

  1. Retrieve it by calling GetRuleGroup
  2. Update its settings as needed
  3. Provide the complete rule group specification to this call

A rule group defines a collection of rules to inspect and control web requests that you can use in a WebACL. When you create a rule group, you define an immutable capacity limit. If you update a rule group, you must stay within the capacity. This allows others to reuse the rule group with confidence in its capacity requirements.

Temporary inconsistencies during updates

When you create or change a web ACL or other WAF resources, the changes take a small amount of time to propagate to all areas where the resources are stored. The propagation time can be from a few seconds to a number of minutes.

The following are examples of the temporary inconsistencies that you might notice during change propagation:

  • After you create a web ACL, if you try to associate it with a resource, you might get an exception indicating that the web ACL is unavailable.
  • After you add a rule group to a web ACL, the new rule group rules might be in effect in one area where the web ACL is used and not in another.
  • After you change a rule action setting, you might see the old action in some places and the new action in others.
  • After you add an IP address to an IP set that is in use in a blocking rule, the new address might be blocked in one area while still allowed in another.