type http_failure =
| NameLookupFailure
DNS resolution failure - an IP address could not be resolved for the specified host *
*)| NoSupportedProtocol
The server has no supported HTTP protocol support (HTTP 1.1 or 2.0)
*)| InvalidUri of Uri.t
The specified URI was invalid for a HTTP request
*)| MalformedResponse of string
| InvalidResponseBodyLength
| ProtocolError of string
| HttpException of exn
val pp_http_failure : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> http_failure -> unit
val equal_http_failure : http_failure -> http_failure -> bool
val pp_input_body : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> input_body -> unit
val equal_input_body : input_body -> input_body -> bool
val pp_method_ : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> method_ -> unit
val string_of_method : method_ -> string
module type Client_intf = sig ... end
module Client : sig ... end