Type alias KeyPathsAndClause

KeyPathsAndClause: {
    [keyPath: string]: ComparisonCondition;

A key path condition clause. The keys in this object are key-paths (. separated keys in the target object to be tested), while the values are one of the operators listed in [[ComparisonCondition]].

e.g. { 'profile.username': { $eq: 'user@example.com } } tests to see if the path profile.username in the target object is equal to the string 'user@example.com'.

A key paths clause can contain multiple key paths with different operators; the resulting DynamoDB clause is AND'ed together.


'profile.username': { $eq: 'user@example.com' },
'suburbs': { $in: ['Placeville', 'Townsburb'] },
'point.x': { $gt: 10.3 },

results in a DynamoDB condition expression like: profile.username = :value0 AND suburbs IN (:value1,:value2) AND point.x > :value3)

Type declaration

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